Cacs eagerly buy into the "happy slave" narrative

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
It takes the guilt off of them.....You should see the look on a cacs face when they hear that the Irish were also slaves. The idiots fail to realize that whites enslaved other whites. If Cacs were told that squirrels were slave masters instead of cacs they would believe it - happily.

Pretty much what it comes down to. White Guilt is far reaching and it makes for a lot of illogical ignorant comments that show people's true hearts. Imagine justifying slavery in your mind. Kind of mental illness are we witnessing here? :smh::smh::smh:


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
Apologize for speaking on something I can't relate to
This is why black folks cant trust you cacs. You guys come of so arrogant to compare slavery to a modern jobs. You cacs dont even have the decency to see that you smug and arrogant saying these things. If whites acted like human being they would have gave reperations to black folk. If you cacs were human we wouldnt even have this conversation. You cant even act like human beings because you cacs are white mutant neaderthal cave demons who uncivilized savages that only know rape and violence!


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
One was worthless and put in camps to work/starve to death. The other was a prized commodity like a prized bull or stallion that did the work for you and could reproduce to create more slaves.

The Jew parallel is also dangerous because the issue of "leaving this hellhole" will come up. Millions of Jews did leave Europe within a decade of Nazis taking power, those who did not mostly died in camps or survived long enough to be rescued after the Nazi defeat.

Let's not even get into the hostile Arab world after the creation of the state of Israel. Those Jews in Arab countries left a long time ago.

African Americans? They had 150 years to leave. Most decided to stay put. It's easier to complain than do something about it.

You are an idiot. Slaves were WORKED to death. Beaten to death! The women were raped on a daily basis by the slavemaster.Pregnant black women stripped naked. They then were tied to horses on both legs and tear the black woman apart! The cracker slaver owner would crush the babies head. They would raped rebblious male slaves in front of other slaves! This was to psychologically put fear in their minds. Then after they were freed, lynched. You do know jews got reperations right and help to create Israel by the west? You cannot compare what the so called "Jew" went through to what blacks worldwide went through. They had help by superpowers. ANd also there is still millions of jews that stayed behind in Europe. You whites are so arrogant and lack human decency because like I said before because you cant act like human beings!! Cave savages who only relish in bloodshed and oppressing non whites. Hitler wasnt a freak of nature of white people. Alot of white folks have a little hitler in them.:pacspit:

Music Fiend

May 14, 2014
I only get mad that they think they can conceptualize slavery when they live in a generation of technology.

You can't even fathom having no technology, no escapism, no homies across the town to chop it up with. You literally were confined to a couple acres, knew only what you could see, and were labor only all day.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Some slaves were happy, it's called stockholm syndrome.

Ever see an abused woman stick up for her abusive husband? Somebody tries to step in and help her, but she sides with her husband who whoops her ass.

Harriet Tubman said "I freed a lot of slaves, but I could have freed so many more if they only knew they were slaves".

So slaves were brainwashed into thinking that was the height of their existence, and many believed it to the tune of ratting out other slaves who tried to escape and ended up getting those slaves killed. All for a pat on the head from massa.

But make no mistake, those comments are extremely self serving, as was the abolishment of slavery in the first place. White people don't do shyt unless it benefits them in some way.

Stockholm syndrome'd people are no more truly happy than a man imprisoned in a black box with one hole his entire life is happy when he occasionally gets a ray of sunshine through said hole.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
You won't hear them saying shyt like the Jews were happy to be in concentration camps. It's really amazing how some of us still think white people have changed and that they're our friends now.

Right? Josef Mangele was a Nazi doctor and enjoyed killing his own people at the behest of the Nazis. There were more Jews like him. Why don't say then that there were happy Jews during the Holocaust.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Slaves were bought and sold. The Spaniards and Portuguese first tried to enslave native Americans, but a large chunk of them were wiped out by diseases from the old world. That's where Africans came into the picture. They were imported to the Americas at a great cost but It was cheaper to breed them locally. Sure, like wild horses, they had to be tamed and broken into submission, and of course many died, but the goal was not to kill them but to make them work. The motive was greed and money.

Jews were rounded up all over Europe to be exterminated. Some were used as slave labor to help the war effort against the Allies, but the goal was always to kill them in the end, with a bullet, gas chambers or just through exhaustion. If the Nazis had won the war, there would be no European Jews today, alive and complaining about having been mistreated. This is an important distinction.

And a word to the mods, if you can't deal with facts, maybe you shouldn't allow sensitive topics that will get your members in a frenzy.

If cacs were motivated by simply money, they would have simply enslaved cacs rather than travelled the world looking for other people to enslave. It easier to just enslave lowly cacs--which is what cacs once did--than Cacs knew enslaving people would also kill them. That did not bother them, and in fact cacs both used enslavement and warfare to kill off both blacks and Natives. The Native Americans were documented by Spanish priests to have been wiped out by Spanaird warfare and slavery both, not disease. The blacks only survived for hardiness--not because cacs wished them to survive. So because of blacks' resilience, a slower death came to blacks, which luckily provided enough time to end the terrible slave institution before its final end.

As such the distinction between slavery and the Holocaust was only time, both time in torment and time to death were worse during slavery than in the Holocaust. The cac murderous and rapacious intent, as cacs levied it on the Natives (who did not survive), was the same for blacks. The mods need to ban you, cac troll, and will.

Hopefully you kill yourself when they do. :ehh:
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Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
One was worthless and put in camps to work/starve to death. The other was a prized commodity like a prized bull or stallion that did the work for you and could reproduce to create more slaves.

The Jew parallel is also dangerous because the issue of "leaving this hellhole" will come up. Millions of Jews did leave Europe within a decade of Nazis taking power, those who did not mostly died in camps or survived long enough to be rescued after the Nazi defeat.

Let's not even get into the hostile Arab world after the creation of the state of Israel. Those Jews in Arab countries left a long time ago.

African Americans? They had 150 years to leave. Most decided to stay put. It's easier to complain than do something about it.
Eat shyt and die cac. :pacspit: