Nearly every damn country in South America. You have no idea the amount of hatred I have for for South Americans. If you think that American slavery was bad, than prepare for absolute carnage from the poor slaves who had the misfortune of going to the other America. Only like 5% of all Africans were brought to the United States and the rest were sent to South America. The death rate in the U.S was very low for slaves but in Brazil and other nearby nations in was damn near 50%. Primary crop for the U.S was pretty much cotton while in Latin America it was Sugar canes and from what I've read it was hell to work in the fields due to carrying the massive weight of the sugar canes and what the stalk did to your feet which would basically cut your feet raw and you would bleed. Slaves were banned in the U.S from being brought over post 1820s but in Latin America this never happened so the slave owners thought "fukk it if they die then we can just bring more". So no its not unprecedented its just that the U.S we have some clout and brought the issue forward while in Brazil they couldn't give a fukk.
It is true that we do get discriminated on based on what we wear. I'm told all the time I look menacing in my hoodie. This is a real thing in white supremacy
You are correct but the book is making like all were happy c00ns. Like the lie of the Indians having thanksgiving with the pilgrimsit's obviously a book about c00ns, technically the cacs are right.
As much as we talk about people being c00ns on this site, this book isnt far fetched at all, a cruel reality.
It's still a fukked up book tho and it's easy to read inbetween the cacs lines![]()
The Irish were known for being violent, drunk criminals who sold their daughters into prostitution until the early 20th century
WE invented that and the jews muscled in on Madame Queen.Those clowns are the worst. Them and the Italians are SO QUICK to call us all kinds of "thugs" yet when they WILLINGLY hopped off the boat (with government incentives btw) the first thing they did was get to bootlegging, running numbers, loansharking etc.
fukkin KKKlowns man I swear smh
The key difference that you are neglecting to mention is that by default we aren't threatened with death and dismemberment if we choose to leave our office cubicle jobs.. the key here is CHOICE. What you are describing is Stockholm syndrome in abusive relationships. Choice is pretty black and white.I'm just saying the world doesn't Always work in black and white...most of us are forced to be at some career job for 40-60 hrs a week and if it wasn't for bills kids food most would prefer to stay at home relaxing or putting efforts into things they are passionate about but we make the most out our jobs pretend to enjoy getting up early to some cubicle for most of the day and keep a positive attitude all I'm saying is that it's possible for those who did not know what freedom was and were born into slavery to use the same coping mechanisms ...this militant your opinion is offensive bullshyt cuz it has to be a black and white paradigm with no in stupid...the is always a range of complicated things going on when it comes to psychology and emotion
Get off your high horse and just agree to disagree without having a titty attack
Except for the fact that its factually incorrect at every level, considering on George Washington's birthday his cook slave attempted escape.
But it is about a real life man. They shouldn't just pull a narrative and persona out the ass without respect for whom the actual human being whose name and image they are profiting from was in real life.
When are white people going to stop using him for their own needs?
Oh and for such a "happy darkie"
He doesn't seem to have been too content accepting his place in society.
Slave narratives say that this is a lie! Many slave insurrections also show this. Whenever they had a chance to kill every white man woman and child THEY DIDslavery was an awful point in humanity but its so hard for us to perceive it through the lens of history because its such a foreign concept to us...but from the beginning of human society becoming organized slavery was an institutional norm for around ten thousand years in every region of the's mind boggling that its only been a few hundred years that slavery has been abolished
and a lot of times its human nature to make the best of your situation if you grew up and this was considered life you coped and focused on things that made you happy if not you lose your will to live that's all I was saying is that on the outside slave owners may have thought their slaves were happy and slaves themselves without knowing any better may have felt the same way
I am in no way condoning slavery or excusing it I don't understand the need to berate and disrespect me i'm just trying to rationalize how people may have felt and how they may have justified what they did