C00n of the millenium goes to....

Da Rhythm Rebel

All Star
May 2, 2012
Strong Island
against my better judgement I saw this abomination of a movie...i let ppl convince me that I could not have a 'conversation' about it unless I saw it

I wish I had trusted my instincts

to be fair..its not a straight up "yes boss" butler movie..it's really the story about a black family and how they are moving throughout the various eras of the black struggle in America. But here's where the problem lies: most of the family stuff is completely made up compared to the real man (Eugene Allen) that the movie is based on, and that is a travesty IMO.

Hollywood has a sick fantasy of wanting to see black folks play the roles of slaves, butlers & maids...stereotyped bullsh-t that harkens back to the "good ol days" when blacks knew their place. Let's just say what it is. The fact that in 2013 someone honestly thought making a movie called "The Butler" would be okay is frightening. So how do they sell it to folks? Hollywood decides they are going to tell a story that is based on a real White House butler who served through 8 presidential administrations as he got to witness history. In terms of the main character's family and personal life, it was completely made up: his mother & father did not have the fate befall them in the beginning of the movie, his wife was not struggling w/ the demons that Oprah acted out on screen, and worst of all in real life the man had 1 son, not two and (shocker) the son that was made up for the movie was the son that was a part of all the various civil rights movements (sit-ins, Freedom Riders, Panthers, etc.) -

in one absolutely absurd scene they actually showed the made up son in a hotel room in Memphis with one Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, hours before King was assassinated..:huhldup:

Was this real man's true life story not good enough to just be made a film? There are plenty of REAL stories to draw inspiration from that things did not have to be made up to neatly tell a story about the Black Struggle in America. how many people will see this movie and not know how much of this is made up and think that most (if not all of this) is true? :snoop:

and ultimately the bigger question is: if the makers were willing to fictionalize so much of the movie, then WHY DID THEY HAVE TO MAKE THE TITLE CHARACTER A GOD D_AMN BUTLER?????? Why could he have not been a postal worker? or a librarian? Something else besides a role that for black folks (men in particular) has a connotation of a negative stereotype? No need to base or loosely base the story on this real man's life, but make up more than 1/2 of the movie, so I really have no idea what this man was about.

There's poetic license, and there are telling outright lies....poetic license would be a scene where he's having a convo with a president, while the president is on the toilet taking a dump..if that was made up for the movie and didn't really happen I could understand.....having the butler's mother & father have their respective fates happen to them in the beginning of the movie, in a scene that ultimately set the table for who this character was - outright lie. You're making a movie about this man, tell it as close to accurate as possible, no need to make up ish.

sorry for the rant, this is really just a short list of the issues I had w/ the movie, I could really go on but i won't unless someone asks me to elaborate further. All types of subliminals tho in this movie that I did not appreciate.

so yeah Lee Daniels is the biggest c00n/ UT out there right now :pacspit:


May 7, 2012


Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
From what I'm hearing, most black folks went in to see the movie like :stopitslime:

but came out like :ehh:

Lee Daniels' The Butler paints an imperfect but far more multi-dimensional portrait of the black Civil Rights movement, presenting it as a necessary struggle for justice that both united and drove apart families, friends, and lovers, even when they were on the same side.

I'm not gonna see it tho. after the whole trayvon thing, Im not in the mood to see black folks in a subservient position.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
You think I give a fukk how you waste your money? If yall want to shyt on a movie at the very least know what is flick before you go off. You sounding real ignorant, you a black man attacking a postive black film because you want to ignore a part of history. :what: This that cacs do.

There is nothing positive bout this fukking movie breh. Just bc lee daniel c00n is your boyfriend doesn't make this movie a positive portrayal of the black community. How can I ignore a history that I am reminded of on the daily? How come this is the only part of my history that whites and c00ns in America wanna talk about? Does African American history start with slavery breh? Does it start with post civil war injustices it? The biggest problem is people like you that want to focus and support the cac narrative that our history begin as second class no less than human citizen in America.

In short fukk you, fukk lee daniels, and fukk the butler. Hope he gets ran over by a precious looking bytch running away with a bucket of chicken.

Da Rhythm Rebel

All Star
May 2, 2012
Strong Island
From what I'm hearing, most black folks went in to see the movie like :stopitslime:

but came out like :ehh:

I'm not gonna see it tho. after the whole trayvon thing, Im not in the mood to see black folks in a subservient position.

The historical civil rights stuff was 'okay' but again...trying to jam all of that into a movie about a made-up character (loosely based on a real person) does everyone a disservice. All of those great moments in history deserve their own movies and while told about REAL people who participated in them....not some made up family that fit every stereotype of black folks that Hollywood has ever come up with already.

And black folks are okay with this cuz some of us are looking at it like "it's a start" or because they have never seen all of their history on the big screen in this manner..BULLSH_T!

even when they do a movie about Lincoln, they deleted Frederick Douglass from it..A REAL PERSON who helped shaped Lincoln's thoughts and therefore his policy on black folks in America.

"The Butler" is basically mythology


May 27, 2012
In c00n News...

Lee Daniels, Oprah & Tyler Perry are favorites for the Gold at next years c00nlympics. The event "shytting on your people on the big screen" has always been a two c00n battle between Lee Daniels & Tyler Perry. The coming c00nlympics will no doubt feature some of the most intense self hatred & emasculation of black men we have ever seen, a battle for the ages. The dark horse for the event "black men aint shyt" is Stacey Dash(she argued to call her the light horse), she was born black but you guessed it, she hates herself & her people. "Queen Mammy" Oprah is going head to head with Stacey Dash, the battle will be earth shattering but Oprah is still the strong favorite for this event. Oprah has reached the pinnacle of being a mammy, a history of pleasing white women and shytting on black men, who on God's green earth can stop the Queen Mammy.

c00nlympics previously used to award our favorite c00ns medals, however next year the c00nlympic board members have decided to give out prizes for winning c00ntestants. Winners of the men's competition will direct the new sitcom "Black & Blown Out", the story of Derrick "Moist D" Jackson, a homosexual black man that hates his African ancestry. The winners of the women's competition get to continue doing what they always do, shyt on the black man on any form of media available to them. c00nlympic tickets are available at your nearest fried chicken outlet but you can get in for free if you come dressed as a slave.

Yooooooooooooooooo :deadrose:
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May 7, 2012
The historical civil rights stuff was 'okay' but again...trying to jam all of that into a movie about a made-up character (loosely based on a real person) does everyone a disservice. All of those great moments in history deserve their own movies and while told about REAL people who participated in them....not some made up family that fit every stereotype of black folks that Hollywood has ever come up with already.
The man who the Blind Side was based on was angry that they portrayed him as mentally slow & not knowing how to play football. Basically another fictional character.