I like it because at the very least I can say without an ounce of homophobia that that novel is the gayest shyt ever
I like it because at the very least I can say without an ounce of homophobia that that novel is the gayest shyt ever
@Walt man, "I don't kiss"![]()
Excuse me...I need to take pause..I had a really smart, black, female friend who once lamented, in the middle of a discussion about sex and relationships: "if you know what love is, you're almost lost in this culture." It's really fascinating how little of sex is ever driven by the one thing we're told from a young age should be its sole guiding light. In any case, many more specifics in the next episode...
By the way, what's your take on White male-Black female relationships? We talk about the reverse, since it's so prevalent in the cultural consciousness, but I'm wondering about your general thoughts on how you've seen those play out, if you've seen them play out.
The crazy thing is you really can't talk about this sort of shyt with people. I bring up actual factuals along these lines and people get dead silent and act like they can't conceive of any of it. Watched a 20-something redhead kiss her boyfriend goodbye as he left this little house party I was at, heard her talking to an older chick there about how much she loves him and how they're moving in together soon... less than an hour later she pulled me into a bathroom and shut the door, started grinding on me and trying to make out, talkin' 'bout "please, I need this."
Damn you broke down that whole white woman/black man dynamic. A very sick dynamic when you examine it.
About how the relationship symbolizes their contempt for white men and many times each other. That was some deep shyt about the white woman knowing how frail the white man's ego is and how subconsciously they don't really respect them.
And to further elaborate on your point about the "racist is always the fetishist" I've noticed from my experiences that even the most racist of white women will still be attracted to black men in one way or another and it usually manifests itself in the form of this sick fetish that they have for black men for them to even be racist in the first place. I've been around white women who I would never think in a million years would be into black men but after a couple of drinks in them they're the ones knocking on your door and pursuing you in some way or another. I've noticed that White women in general can't really hold their racism towards black men for a long period of time. When you think it about the only thing causing them to harbor these racist ideologies is based off the constant rhetoric they hear from white men painting black men as these savage beasts who are violent lazy thugs lead by their penis. People aren't born racist, they are taught this. The white man's structure all comes falling down for them when their precious white daughters, sisters, mothers and cousins go out here and encounter a black man that does not live up to that stereotype. He's an educated black man who is the antithesis of every stereotype that white women have been fed about black men. He doesn't have any illegitimate kids walking around, is in college or has a good steady job and has a good head on his shoulders. He might have that extra dash of "swag" or charisma that the white doesn't have and is quite attractive. This black man is the white man's worst nightmare because he defies every racist stereotype that has been said by white men and he is very intriguing to white women. Because when white women encounter these types of black men it really throws them off, they must question everything that their fathers told them about us and once they really examine this dynamic it becomes clear to even the most racist of white women that white men have a glaring inferiority complex if they feel the need to constantly dissuade them from messing with black men. This coincides with Walt's post because when he said that white women are masters of playing up the white man's ego and they realize how important this is but they also realize how fragile it is. And that it can be easily broken by just finding black men or other races of men attractive. Deep down white women know this and once you finally examine this whole dynamic you really begin to see that as a whole they really don't respect white men. And this contempt they have for the white man usually manifests itself through sexual relationships where they us black men as tools of sexual aggression towards white men. Some pretty sick shyt if you think about it![]()
You guys are fags. You honestly don't see anything wrong with dancing in a group of other men dressed like you like it's some ghetto America's best dance crew show. Pushing Girls, WITH ASS, out the way to do the Cha Cha slide with a bunch of guys?
But whatever flushes thy toilet my friend
I Don't Kiss
I remember this white dude I met in grad school, built like a fire hydrant with a big ass head, one of the phoniest cats I've ever come across, always smiling and pretending to be happy to see you and shyt. Every time we were at a social gathering, in a room together - a potluck dinner, drinks, that sort of shyt - he would crack jokes about how small his dikk was and how unsatisfied his wife was. It got extremely awkward for everyone there, especially the women. A mutual friend told me he never, ever made jokes about his dikk unless he was in a room with me. Imagine the insanity, man! My mere presence made this poor little doofus fear for the sanctity of his manhood and his marriage.