Rest In Power Kobe
she was naked and her cooch was out while them 6'4" 230 dudes got their pants down. She aint agree, she was coerced out of fear.She agreed to let them hit when the stud( she was practicing to fukk)asked her can they hit.

and what do you think happens if she says no in this situation?Women really get raped in dark alleys/streets where they have no control. For real. They scream, scratch, kick and dont get a yes/no option. I'ma save my compassion for them.

again, she didnt invite them into that room. they got naked and watched her get fukked. what happens if she says no?
bruh, you dont understand what rape is.But I'm bashing her if I question why she does nothing to oppose this. Then on top of all that she welcomes them.
When and how did I woman bash? Are you a sexist?
You sound like a rest haven breh.