Is this day 2 or 3 of your bender?
I find it problematic that the Democrats have elevated, enabled and bowed to the most conservative member of their caucus in the senate. The claim was that Bernie was too disruptive and costed Hillary the election. I will wait and see if Manchin gets congruent blame if the Dems lose the mid terms and the oval in 2024.
The long term disproportionate focus on electability has damaged the party badly. Its dragged the entire country to the right and depressed enthusiasm of voters who are least susceptible to go right wing entirely.
The party is trying to select winners rather than trying to deliver a winning message and supporting candidates that are copacetic with that message.
What does the party really stand for when it allows the one member least in line with the platform to tank them? What does the voter believe in when they vote for someone who is most appealing to the opposition?
You have the right to support Manchin because hes in line with your values more than someone like Bernie is.
Have a nice weekend