Burkina Faso's Interim Pres. Ibrahim Traoré speaks at International Youth Day about reclaiming the country’s gold mining. The fight against imperialism "is not only waged with weapons, but also with development."
Can someone confirm if this is true? Not the first time I seen you write it.
From what I know, it was a certain type of african that were sent off, and they were NOT muslims
I do not see proof of that in America nor the Caribbean, Brazil etc
White supremacy is a team sport.not really all these western nations watch each other back
So basically what you are saying is that you are ill equipped to have this conversation, but despite not being equipped to have this conversation you are injecting known falsehoods into the conversation. Let me be the first to inform you that you already know what you are writing is false, because one of the largest enslaved groups in the USA were the Mende people from modern day country of Sierra Leone. The Mende are the largest group that contributed to the Gullah Geechee culture in the USA. The Mende were and have always been by and large Muslims. Fulani and Mandgingos were another large group of people enslaved in the USA. They also were Muslim. However, since you are too lazy and uninformed to do your own research then I will lend you some:
America's First Muslims Were Slaves
January 29, 2019 9:33 AM
Dora Mekouar
America's First Muslims Were Slaves
Approximately 1/3 of enslaved Africans in the antebellum South came from predominantly Islamic parts of West Africawww.voanews.com
The First Muslims in North America
Muslims arrived in America 400 years ago as part of the slave trade and today are vastly diverse
Published: April 11, 2019 6.42am EDT
Muslims arrived in America 400 years ago as part of the slave trade and today are vastly diverse
Muslims are not new to America. The first Muslims came as slaves and left a deep influence on a host of music genres, such as the blues and jazz.theconversation.com
Muslim Slaves: America’s First Muslims
The Forgotten History of Islam in Black America
Muslim Slaves in America: A Significant Number
Muslim slaves in America were quite significant in number, probably reaching into the thousands. Historian Michael Gomez points out that between 400,000 and 523,000 Africans came to America during the slave trade, at least 200,000 came from areas influenced by Islam, thus Muslims may have come to America in the thousands, if not tens of thousands. [2]Muslim Slaves in America: History of Resistance & Resilience
Muslim slaves in America maintained their faith and resisted the institution of slavery. They fought for their freedom and helped to shape American culture.www.whyislam.org
Servants of Allah by Sylviane Diouf
No I would not agree with that. You are confusing and conflating all animist religious practices in Africa. Not every animist religion was Voodoo. Voodoo was only practiced in a very small area which is in the modern day countries of Togo and Benin.Would you agree that from Caribbean, America, South America, Brazil etc
That the blk people who are descendants of those from Africa as a majority practice voodoo
and not islam
Is that a fact, yes or no?
Show me where they were practicing that religion vs traditional african religions
No I would not agree with that. You are confusing and conflating all animist religious practices in Africa. Not every animist religion was Voodoo. Voodoo was only practiced in a very small area which is in the modern day countries of Togo and Benin.
Juju which was practiced in modern day Nigeria and the cosmology practices of the Dogon and the people of Congo religion was not Voodoo. Islam and Christianity were far more widely practiced than Voodoo.
I will be super clear that I have interacted with many Arab and Muslim people.
Never has there been a time I felt disrespected.
Show me where in Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica, Alabama there is evidence of them wanting to build mosques or saying allah?
They went to extremes to keep their ways.
I do not see much evidence of them having been muslim.
Of the millions who were taken, at least a couple hundred of them would have kept those ways.
Instead wherever you go, whether they speak english or spanish, they have the same customs
And none of it is similar to muslims
My elementary understanding of history is that the Arabs/Muslims were the enslavers
The first and still today is
You should stop writing stuff on this subject and just read and educate yourself. You are literally completely uninformed. It is really sad that they purposely miseducated you. Frist of all Islam was being practiced in the USA up into the 1900s, which is what led to the formation of the Nation of Islam. The remnants of Islam have always existed in African American Churches and in Blues music, but people who didn't understand what they were looking or listening too just didn't know it. I have literally never been to an African American Church that didn't play old meter hymns, which are sometimes called Dr. Watts songs. Those songs are literally Muslim calls to prayer sang in West Africa to this very day.
Second of one of the most well known slave revolt in Brazil's history was by Muslims. It is called the Male Revolt:
The Malê Rebellion in Bahia: Brazil’s African Muslim Uprising
The Malê Rebellion in Bahia: Brazil’s African Muslim Uprising
The Malê Rebellion of 1835 was a religious and racial uprising against slavery and the supremacy of the Catholic religion led by African Muslims.festival.si.edu
Slave Rebellions in Brazil: The Muslim Uprising of 1835 in Bahia
Geuax mind your fukking business and stay out of our affairs you bytch ass hoRemember, democracy is clearly rare in this part of the world. Coups are not how you want to go about this.
I had a Nigerian uber driver yesterday and we were talking about how this sets a terrible precedent for the region