jaydolf spitler
I hope Honduras shocks France and stirs up a ton of controversy once again for the French 

actually goalie is counted, the rule is you have to be behind of next to last defender (but since goalie is last in 99% cases that part is usually not said as to not confuse people not familiar)Whats so difficult about the offsides rule?
You can't be behind the defenders before the ball is passed...The goalie is not a defender so if you are offsides when a shot occurs you cannot be the first to touch the rebound...If the ball touches a defender (which is what happened in this game on a negated goal) it is not offsides...
manager must be feelingNo, it was the second striker that came off the bench. Basically both subs by the manager came in and scored
Are you allowed to put in a position player for a goalie if you're down late?