Taxi driver takes the high road after finding World Cup match tickets
There are certain situations that unfortunately are not usually quite common and when they happen attract the attention of many. A clear example of this is the episode of extreme honesty that
was the center of a Brazilian taxi driver 43 years in Sao Paulo.
The incident occurred last Thursday night, the same day the backdrop of the long-awaited World Cup was lifted.
Adilson Luiz da Cruz transported in a vehicle
two resellers native Mexico (as well drunk driver story itself)
to the New São Paulo Morumbi Hotel.
The Adilson surprise found her to return home.
"When I got home , I opened the door to the back of the car and
found a wallet with 40 entries, " she said. She continued, "Sometimes these things fall into the hands of people who have no concern ys
and risk losing them. "
In this situation, far from wallowing with high economic value that could be said booty,
the taxi driver was the first thing he managed to return to the hotel where he had left the passengers to
return them as soon as the tickets, considering that the next day debuted as the 'Tri'.
"I hope to be more careful from now" merely express to the Brazilian honored. Could he have been invited to a party?