Bruce Lee was so fast some of his moves couldn't be seen on film til slowed down..

May 1, 2012
dope story someone posted on reddit. this guy trained under bruce lee when he was in washington

I don't know the timing on all of this -- as, rather curiously, a NON aficionado of Bruce, I mean, not a breathless Devotee, I don't even really know his precise history. But I know that he was in Seattle for quite a while, lived there, and that, while in town, he would quite regularly do "demonstrations" down at the Seattle Center and at the Armory. (Pretty sure you can now view some of these on Youtube). It was pretty clear that he loved being the 'performer' in front of a large crowd -- and one of his big crowd pleasers was to ask, to literally ask, for "The biggest, baddest guy in the room". People loved this, and inevitably some enormous guy would be shoved forward by the crowd and would nervously, or too boldly, walk out into the arena. So there would be this towering slab of meat, standing over this little slip of a guy in, usually, a sort of jump suit. Bruce would say, "Are you open to having a little fun with me?" and the guy would have no choice but to say yes. So, Bruce would ask him to simply take a good, solid stance in the middle of the floor. He could bend his legs a little or lean forward a little or whatever he felt gave him a 'rooted' stance, and Bruce would stand directly in front of him and simply place his hand on the guy's chest, straight armed. ('straight armed' -->important). He'd ask the guy if he was comfortable, ready, and confident in his solidity. They'd twist a little and maybe crouch a bit more and say that 'yes' .. they were solid. Bruce would give them that weird little BL smile that always meant trouble, and say that he was going to give them a little shove, but that he wanted them to keep their spot, "Ok?" "Sure .. " "Ready?" "Yeah .. go ahead". Then his smile would broaden some, he'd stand there for a moment longer, and withOUT bending his arm or pulling it back at all, just like he was standing there talking to you on the street with his hand stretched easily towards you to gently ask you to stop where you are, [and this, I can't really 'explain'] but there would be this sort of 'pulse' that would !whap! emanate from Bruce .. this 'impulse' that was barely visible .. and the bruiser would FLY backwards like he's just been hit in the chest by a high caliber round at close range .. his arms spinning for balance and his legs out from under him trying to re-gain footing, until he went down or was caught 12 or 15 feet away by the crowd. Bruce would be standing there like he'd done absolutely nothing. But he'd managed, with presumably simply a 1/2 inch shoulder-flick or something (who the hell knows what) to send this guy who CLEARLY weighed well over twice his weight REELING backwards completely out of control.
I must say, not ONLY did the audience love it, but Bruce loved it too. He had a totally unique gift and he truly loved showing it off .. which was absolutely fine. But this gives you an idea of what it would have been like to have run into him on the street in any sort of semi-contentious situation --- once he simply had his little hand resting on you, if he liked, you were finished.

So, a LOT of people repeatedly witnessed this little show that he did, but here's a unique story that was only witnessed by a very few and is NOT commonly known: These demonstrations and afternoon showings began to get the word out on him -- that this guy was around, and that he was pretty amazing -- and, so my uncle tells me, he became the topic of conversation in the lunch room between a bunch of Engineers down at Boeing, Seattle's big Aerospace Center. These guys were bright, interesting, curious guys and one of them had fashioned a fun little set-up .. probably using Boeing materials. So .. imagine this - quite simple really: On the wall there an attached, round, black rubber diaphragm, maybe 6 or 8 inches across. It is hooked to a timer -- not digital as it would be now, but clock-face like with only the equivalent of a second hand .. in other words one single 'sweep' hand. On the face is marked off maybe 10 seconds .. that would be one full sweep around from top ('12' position) to top again. Just UNDER the black diaphragm is a small red light. all of this is properly wired in to itself. So, this was, apparently, set up in the lunch room and was just 'there' for guys to play with -- to test their reaction time. And the way it worked was that you would stand behind the tape line that they had placed on the floor some 6 feet away from the wall, hands at your side, looking at the light. When you saw the light turn on, you would step forward, hit the diaphragm, and step back. The timer, above, would show you how long between the 'on' of the red light, and the timer, and your hand against the diaphragm. Couldn't be simpler .. right?

So, word gets around Seattle about this little hot-shot with reputedly fantastic form and reflexes, and there starts to be the "Man I'd love to get that guy down here to try our thing out" conversation sprinkling into the lunchtime banter. Finally, and I don't know how, one of them knows someone who knows someone or something and word gets passed on to Bruce that they'd love to have him come down to the Engineers lunchroom down south of town any afternoon that he might be able to, to try out their 'reflex tester' that they've put together. Well Bruce was a STRONG self-promoter, and I'm sure this was like catnip to him. So, of course, one day there's a knock on the outer door and one of them comes walking this lean, smiley little guy back into the lunchroom full of a bunch of thick engineers with their mouths full of sandwiches. Very informal, pre-fame, no cameras and no big deal -- if you just happened to be there digging into your lunch at that moment you were about to gain one of the stories of your life -- if you had decided to step out to a restaurant that day .. you'd only be hearing the story for years to come. So, Bruce is brought in and they all greet him and laugh a bit with him and tell him how they had heard that he was in great physical shape and that it might be fun for him to try their set-up. They show him what the deal is and how it works, ( I have NO doubt that within 3 seconds of entering the room he had seen it and understood exactly what the deal was), and he says 'sure!' .. he'd be HAPPY to give that a try! So, they all sit back, out of his way, and he stands at the line, takes a breath and exhales and rotates his head back and forth a bit (Bruce had a palpable sense of focused relaxation which, once achieved, made him look like he may NEVER move a muscle again). He's standing there, moment .. after moment, with his hands hanging loosely at his side .. gazing as if casually at the wall ... then he suddenly FLIES forward and SMACKS the diaphragm and is INSTANTLY back behind the line, relaxed again. Whereupon there is this OUTcry from the entire room of Engineers saying "NO! no .. you have to WAIT for the Red Light to go on BEFORE smacking the diaphragm! Get it?! You hit is AFTER!!!" And, of course, he stands there smiling back at them. And one by one there's this growing little chorus of "Ohhhh my GOD!" .. and "Wait a minute! My GOD .. I don't BELIEVE it!!!" as they one by one come forwards towards the timer to confirm what they think they're seeing but can't believe. What had just taken place, of course, was that Bruce had perceived the micro-instant of illumination, and had stepped forward to instantaneously douse it, and not a single other soul in the room, with nothing else to do but watch the light and the timer, had been aware of its even having come on. The story goes that when they got up to the timer and looked closely at it they saw that it had, indeed, BAAAARELY moved from top center. Unfortunately, I cannot now recall precisely what the actual numbers were, but it was SOMETHING like "Most of the guys turned that light off in, at BEST, a second or so. When we looked at the timer needle with Bruce, it was registering 8/100's of a second .. barely even see-able on the dial, and not even long enough for the rest of us to see the light".

END of BOEING STORY .. even though I wasn't there I've always LOVED that story. Sadly, there must be a lot of such stories around that occurred to him in his life that the rest of us will never hear or be aware of. I'll check back in a while again for any further questions or whatever. And I've got a few thoughts I might share about the effects of 'practice', which was a HUGE thing that Bruce always harped on. It's fun to share fun stuff. Thanks for your attention."
Sep 14, 2013
bruce ruled man. I wonder how some of the worlds fastest fighters would fare with that boeing shyt? dudes like pacquaio. mayweather. amir khan. mighty mouse johnson. gary russell jr..


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
bruce ruled man. I wonder how some of the worlds fastest fighters would fare with that boeing shyt? dudes like pacquaio. mayweather. amir khan. mighty mouse johnson. gary russell jr..

Roy Jones Jr in his prime is faster and powerful then all them dudes. Even at his older age now he still faster then most but taking a punch though is another story :manny:

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
"To me, ultimately, martial arts means honestly expressing yourself. Now, it is very difficult to do. It has always been very easy for me to put on a show and be cocky, and be flooded with a cocky feeling and feel pretty cool and all that. I can make all kinds of phoney things. Blinded by it. Or I can show some really fancy movement. But to experience oneself honestly, not lying to oneself, and to express myself honestly, now that is very hard to do." - Bruce Lee

thats my gawd :wow: