Cause UFC is predetermined just like WWE and Brock is a draw in both worlds
It was know Lesnar isnt uesd to any short dude pushing up on him like that.
Anyone catch the garden gnome trying to push Brock?
so why didnt cm punk win?
It was know Lesnar isnt uesd to any short dude pushing up on him like that.
I don't follow UFC. Does Brock have a chance or is this just to pop a buyrate and get a big payday?
And isn't Cormier the dude that was clowing indie rasslers and Cody on Twitter?
It a be cool to see Brock as the first ever wwe/ufc heavyweight championBrock is a legit fighter and a scary dude, and he definitely has a chance, but it would be a shocking upset if he somehow got the win here. DC is a beast in the game and legitimately still in his prime at 39. Brock's big strength is his wrestling, but DC is a better wrestler than he is, and since DC is better at every other aspect of the game, Brock's only real advantage is his size. That means something, definitely, but I think DC takes him apart.
So yeah, this is 100% about big UFC revenue and big fighter paydays.
Yeah Cormier is a huge pro wrestling fan and that was him clowning the Young Bucks and Cody for a silly mid-match dance sequence. For damn good reason, I might add.
He's not a star, sir. He just has two competing multi-billion dollar companies hanging from his nuts. It must be a coincidence.