British Soldier Gets Beheaded In Woolwich

the next guy

May 2, 2012
:damn: I did that didnt I?

Probably shouldn't have put his name with the rest but you get my point about how violence and terrorism historically has not been all from Muslims. I am curious how these isolated forms of terrorism caused by individuals without a plan or an organziation backing them is different than random dudes shooting up a school though. Like sometimes I wonder if James Holmes had just said Allah Ahukbar instead of I am the Joker, if we're having a conversation about gun control or terror cells. Granted its sounds like a line from a bad concious rap song but I look at these indivdual attacks a little differently cause I dont think there's much the Islamic community can do about these incidents compared to the bigger more organized ones.

that's what i think too.


Bubblin' in Dublin
Sep 25, 2012
I am not going to judge zoe, but if she says no person is superior than the other because of race, culture, or bloodline. Then yes

peace be with you

Not all cultures are equal. Would you say Saudi culture is equal to Nordic culture?

Saudi culture is the one of the most brutal and oppressive in the world.

You cannot belive them to be equal.:youngsabo:


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
Not all cultures are equal. Would you say Saudi culture is equal to Nordic culture?

Saudi culture is the one of the most brutal and oppressive in the world.

You cannot belive them to be equal.:youngsabo:

Peace be with you,

you seem full of hate brother, learn Islam and find peace by submitting to God. All cultures are beautiful, Saudi culture is very beautiful, I do not know much about Nordic culture, under Allah we are all equal whether you like it or not.

peace be with you


Jul 13, 2012
The IRA, Tupac Amaru rebels, Tamil Tigers, James Holmes, dude who shot up Sandy Hook, the CaC out in Arizona and Timothy McVeigh were muslim, ?:huhldup:

I get what you're saying but in the case of the Boston Bombers and these British born Nigerian Christians turn Muslims, I look at them a little different than your average terrorists. Both situations were local citizens who converted, never really knew fully their full reasons and essientally lone wolves. I wouldnt classify them as traditional Muslim terrorists cause its not like they had a massive network or a clear political motive.

Its like if James Holmes shot up that Cinema and instead of saying he's the Joker, he just randomly shouted Allah Ahukbar. How different would the story be then? Would we still think he was an isolated CaC with mental problems and we had to control guns in America or would the narrative on that story be different?

I just think these dudes had mental problems and because they dropped a little Allah shout out we're quick to look at the religion and its ehhhh thats a bit know? These isolated incidents are a little different.

Cause its like every Mosque and Islamic Community in the western world can try and make a strong genuine effort to tell their young men and women not to fall into a terrorist mentality and'll always have one or two crazy people who will do violence and they give any old reason.

Isolated incident huh? One or two crazy people huh? the National Counter Terrorism Center recorded data worldwide that shows that Sunni Muslims account for 70%(8,886) of terrorist murders commited in 2011, that figure doesn't even include Shi'ite muslims :whew:
bu-bu-but its the media, isolated incidents, remember those christian bombers! :mjpls:
Like i said all muslims aren't terrorists, but most TERRORISTS are MUSLIM. FACT.

Until Muslims & they never will, so it's up to people like you, the western enablers to force them into accepting & dealing with the reality that Islam has a fundemental problem instead of brushing it aside with ''isolated incidents'' bullsh!t for the sake of community cohesion(:laugh: another liberal buzzword that means nothing) nothing will change.


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012

Isolated incident huh? One or two crazy people huh? the National Counter Terrorism Center recorded data worldwide that shows that Sunni Muslims account for 70%(8,886) of terrorist murders commited in 2011, that figure doesn't even include Shi'ite muslims :whew:
bu-bu-but its the media, isolated incidents, remember those christian bombers! :mjpls:
Like i said all muslims aren't terrorists, but most TERRORISTS are MUSLIM. FACT.

Until Muslims & they never will, so it's up to people like you, the western enablers to force them into accepting & dealing with the reality that Islam has a fundemental problem instead of brushing it aside with ''isolated incidents'' bullsh!t for the sake of community cohesion(:laugh: another liberal buzzword that means nothing) nothing will change.

You're not getting what Im saying though, Im not arguing about their religion, Im talking about how its more difficult to track these type of terrorists:

The incidents that happened in Woolwhich and Boston are a little different than your traditional terrorists. Both incidents are situations where you had converted local citizens who decided to kill people and it wasnt one of the terrorists organizations. My point is how do you counter that from the traditional terror organizations and incidents? Now its like anyone can say they converted to Islam and committed atrocities. Even if a community makes a concious effort to monitor the preachings said in mosques across city to city how do you counter these one or two incidents.

Like you probably know a lot of moderate muslims as well, should they necessairly share the guilt of these individuals. Im saying there's not much they can do.

Looking at the news, here it should be noted that the media is calling them mostly nigerian born londoners who were christian turned muslim converts rather than Islamic terorrists. Just like with the Boston bombers they skewed that cause they think they understand the generalisation of labeling them that.

Also, not for nothing but taking one year's worth of statistics doesnt really lessen my point that terrorism comes in different shapes or forms or organizations or indivduals over the course of time. Yes, in recent years we associate it with Islamic fundamentalism but as we've seen it can also be individuals with various motives....


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
Do you or don't you accept that Islam has a fundemental problem?

I think certain countries have a bigger fundamental problem and religion is just assumed by others as to why those things happen when really its all political and class based.
For instance, Pakistan has got a massive poverty rate and a seperation of class with 65% illiteracy among the youth. Half of them are being told about stuff in the Koran that aint really there or at the very least open to interpretation. If you a political group who wants power its easy to assemble people who are poor and frustrated out that.

So you could probably get rid of the Bible and Koran and people will still go to war over something. Might just be for their country in general or whatever values/belief they have.

So I think the bigger problem is the political structure of the country of where these groups come from. Thats why after Al Quadea you can look at the IRA and Tamill Tigers and political groups as the next most well known terrorist organizations and see how the concept of terrorism is really.

I think even if they address the fundamental problem (and some countries under Islamic state vary in law because of that) you still get these dudes going to war because of other stuf.


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Do you or don't you accept that Islam has a fundemental problem?

hey Einstein, if your country wasnt in the Islamic world stirring the hornets nest, you wouldnt have bees stinging your azz its that simple

If you just mind your own business, the Islamic world would just be effecting its damn self with its nonsense and at some point without the excuse/reason detre of western imperialism they would evolve and confront their demons in their own way

instead you keep pushing and prodding and islamic fundementalism just grows and grows

its actually the greatest gift the western military industrial complex can recieve. the more they interfere the more they empower the enemy the more of an excuse they have to interfere