Look up the golden dawn in Greece, front national in France, geert wilders in Holland or jobbik in Hungary.
familiar with the former not the later
thanks for the info
Look up the golden dawn in Greece, front national in France, geert wilders in Holland or jobbik in Hungary.
They will come out in droves to protest a cartoon but can't protest an "extremist"Muslims care more about having their feelings hurt and trying to control free speech in Western Nations than they do about any of the barbaric aspect of their faith. They shyt on the Magna Carta traditions of British & Commonwealth society every time they support stuff like "Sharia Law in Canada"
fukk em.
I seen on CNN how quick he was to pull the ''Islam is a religion of peace'' ''isolated incident'' and all the other buzzwords that do nothing but enable these morons.
All muslims aren't terrorists, but most Terrorists are Muslim. Nothing will change untill people confront this fact.
The IRA, Tupac Amaru rebels, Tamil Tigers, James Holmes, dude who shot up Sandy Hook, the CaC out in Arizona and Timothy McVeigh were muslim, ?
I get what you're saying but in the case of the Boston Bombers and these British born Nigerian Christians turn Muslims, I look at them a little different than your average terrorists. Both situations were local citizens who converted, never really knew fully their full reasons and essientally lone wolves. I wouldnt classify them as traditional Muslim terrorists cause its not like they had a massive network or a clear political motive.
Its like if James Holmes shot up that Cinema and instead of saying he's the Joker, he just randomly shouted Allah Ahukbar. How different would the story be then? Would we still think he was an isolated CaC with mental problems and we had to control guns in America or would the narrative on that story be different?
I just think these dudes had mental problems and because they dropped a little Allah shout out we're quick to look at the religion and its ehhhh thats a bit flimsy..you know? These isolated incidents are a little different.
Cause its like every Mosque and Islamic Community in the western world can try and make a strong genuine effort to tell their young men and women not to fall into a terrorist mentality and yet...you'll always have one or two crazy people who will do violence and they give any old reason.
That's where your argument fell apart
This dude dark as fukk
On a related note, UK destroyed Nigeria during colonialism. Interesting that he is muslims though. If he was complaining about UK imperialism from the colonization he might get much more sympathy.
Your argument fell apart when you compared Tamil Tigers to James Holmes.
I did that didnt I?
Probably shouldn't have put his name with the rest but you get my point about how violence and terrorism historically has not been all from Muslims. I am curious how these isolated forms of terrorism caused by individuals without a plan or an organziation backing them is different than random dudes shooting up a school though. Like sometimes I wonder if James Holmes had just said Allah Ahukbar instead of I am the Joker, if we're having a conversation about gun control or terror cells. Granted its sounds like a line from a bad concious rap song but I look at these indivdual attacks a little differently cause I dont think there's much the Islamic community can do about these incidents compared to the bigger more organized ones.
The Tigers are terrorists?
Its yo world breh