They didnt even have to mash up genres there is like a trillion what ifs and parodies like this they just made it a movie and gave it a man of steel flavor.This is doper than the first trailer.
I'm in on this.
Sidenote. I'm surprised people are saying this isn't too creative. I get that. And I don't disagree. They just mashed up two genres and basically are saying 'what if Superman turned evil?'
But it's not a concept I've seen in a major Hollywood movie before.
I dont even take it like that. Truth is your peers affect you more than your parents after the age of like 6. This is simply a more realistic interpretation of what would happen if a kid had all that power and was ostracized by everyone.This is basically what would happen when Jonathan said to Clark eventually you'll have to make a choice. To stand proudly in front of the human race or not. This film is basically if he decided not toIN