Bride invites 60 needy kids to her NY wedding reception after she refused to sign a prenup


Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
i think we should factor in the access to quality education. just because kids go to school regularly does not mean that they are getting fair access to a quality education, especially if they live in a school districts that lack resources.

i don't know what the chinese education system is like across the board but from the exposure i got it seems that that country takes education seriously and makes sure its citizens have access to quality education. the same cannot be said of the U.S. people like rep. ron paul openly state that education is not a right. if this country constantly under funds K-12 education and has the attitude that it isn't a right should we really be shocked when the poorest citizens, which usually comprises of blacks and hispanics/atinos, are behind?
I didn't grow up my whole life in the hood but when going to school I say parents play a huge role in preparing for school also. My parents did homework with me and made sure I understood the subject.

I just saw alot of us goofing off and you were considered acting like a cac if you answered a question in class and if you did your homework.

Of course the more money you have the better education you can get but you can't blame the school system entirely the parents aren't making the effort.
Feb 7, 2015
I didn't grow up my whole life in the hood but when going to school I say parents play a huge role in preparing for school also. My parents did homework with me and made sure I understood the subject.

I just saw alot of us goofing off and you were considered acting like a cac if you answered a question in class and if you did your homework.

Of course the more money you have the better education you can get but you can't blame the school system entirely the parents aren't making the effort.
my post wasn't meant to blame to whole school system. but it was to point a very real disparity between access to education, which can't be denied

for example numerous colleges have noticed that a lot of the students coming from economically depressed neighborhoods could not complete the basic intro to writing/english classes or the college algebra classes. these are the same kids that graduated with the top 5-15% of their class back home. clearly these kids were working hard to do well in HS but whatever access to education they received was not enough to build off of to have an easier time in the intro classes.

and not everyone's parents are educated enough to sit down and help their kids with homework either. a lot of people are functioning illiterates or some other issues prevent them from helping their kids.

so colleges then had to start adding lower level classes, that usually do not count towards a degree and are an intro class to the class you need to graduate. and its been an ongoing problem all the way from the community colleges, state universities and private schools. there was aNYT or WSJ article about this a few years ago.

we can't argue that people should do well in certain environments when it is clear they don't get the same access to quality education. i live in a very poor school district. these kids are fighting homelessness, poverty, language barriers (some student's have parents that do not speak any english), domestic abuse, parents are constantly incarcerated and so on. add a budget where the academic resources don't meet the needs and you are basically ensuring that these students will have a hard time building off their K-12 education

the school can't legislate what goes on in their homes but they should actively provide the same types of access to education for the students that want it and will use it compared to the other school districts.


All Star
May 8, 2012
Johanesburg; Coral Way (FL)
It is gold digging, as she refused a marriage based on the sole fact that had it ended she wouldn't have be compensated in a manner in which she felt was appropriate. That was the entire reasoning for the dissolution of their engagement. Her not feeling okay with her compensation. How is that NOT gold digging? Hopefully she finds her sucker. Hopefully he finds a woman that loves him for him.
We dont know what the prenup read like or what their situation was prior to the proposed wedding.
Clearly she has a great well paying job. Her fiance might have been a millionaire already or like my female cousin, a guy that she has known and supported financially for years; she helped him get setup while pursuing some risky entrepreneurial venture that was now doing well and he was being an a$$hole to pull a fast one with the prenup.
A lot different scenarios and i dont think that someone at her social status would be unreasonable but there are lots of different permutations.