I still think the polls are not capturing Labour's full percentage of support (They are showing 33-35%, but I think the real support is probably more like 37-38%).
But the trajectories of the polls should still be able to show if Labour is gaining or losing support. And for the last week, it looks like Labour has not made any further progress in closing the gap with the Tories.
So Labour is stuck at a gap of around 8-10 points. The combination of new, young voters and a solid ground game is what makes me think the real gap is 5-6 points, but there's no way Labour can win unless there is a HUGE systematic polling error. And if that was the case, I'd expect to see at least one or two outlier polls showing Labour within a few points of the Tories (as was the case in 2017). But we haven't seen that yet.
I was hoping there would be a game-changing moment that could inspire some real movement. I thought maybe Boris' reaction to the photo of the child with pneumonia could have been it. But of course, it's been drowned out by fake news and propaganda about other stuff.