Bret having the best match in RR, WM, SS, and Survivor Series History appreciation


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
Imagine an Owen/Kurt feud. :whoo:

Like I posted earlier, they had a dark match too that there's no footage of :sadbron:

Dark Match: Owen Hart pinned Kurt Angle after a spinning heel kick.

* Poor Owen. He's gone from Intercontinental Champion and a major player on WWF's pay-per-views to doing dark matches for Monday night shows. I just hope he doesn't try a piledriver.
* Angle comes out to Del Wilkes' (The Patriot) old theme.
* As misused as Hart has been, he still gets heat, even though it's in the form of ten thousand plus fans yelling "Nugget!"
* This would be your cookie-cutter Nitro or Thunder match. Kurt controls at the start and hits a Northern Lights suplex at one point for two.
* Hart grabs Angle on a leapfrog attempt and powerbombs him.
* Angle comes back with a powerslam but Hart hits an enziguri shortly after.
* Hart goes up top and gets crotched, allowing Angle to hit a superplex for two.
* Hart comes off the ropes into Angle, who hesitates for about two seconds before applying a side belly-to-belly suplex.
* Hart finishes Angle off with a spinning heel kick.
* Angle looked alright, but he needs some polish before going on Heat or RAW.


All Star
Aug 23, 2012
4 things...

1. I disagree. I don't think Steamboat/Savage was a better match than Bret/Austin. I legitimately think Bret/Austin is the best match I've ever seen in my 26+ years of watching wrestling. However I already said when it comes to splitting hairs on classic matches (both are 5 star classics) it comes down to style preference. We just prefer different styles, apparently.

2. Savage/Steamboat as didn't mean much, especially in comparison to Bret/Austin. What was that match's impact on the industry? That match validated Macho as he won the title next year, but are you REALLY trying to compare Macho's first run with Austin's first run? :comeon:

3. Wrestlemania 3? You are already switching up your arguement. We are talking MATCHES here, not entire PPV cards. I will fully admit WM13 was a shyt card outside of this one GOAT of GOAT matches, but that an entirely different arguement. Let's stay on topic of the matches.

4. I've already said that Andre/Hogan is the one and ONLY match that meant as must as Bret/Austin, but they are not even CLOSE to each other when you are talking about match quality. Bret/Austin had it ALL, 5 star match, GOAT storytelling and unrivaled impact. You can't name another match touching it....

...But if you are up for the challenge... :smugcena:

well, like you said both are 5 star classics and different styles...but heres the kicker, macho man vs steamboat was different for it's time... back in that time, they didn't have multiple 2 counts, technical wrestling of that level outside of Dynamite Kid, that type of it's impact was not only relative to the era it ushered in but how it shaped and influenced wrestling for years to come...not only a single era but all eras

so lets take your criteria and look at in context of the time of each match:

impact: Savage/Steamboat legitimized WWF, technical wrestling, near falls, ... Austin/Bret ushered in attitude era, most prosperous time... slight edge goes to Savage/Steamboat which stole the show on the most important card they ever had..Austin/Hart was also partly responsible for the Austin Era.... I would say the Mcmahon/Austin fued was more important, the Austin 3:16 promo, and a few other events in the Austin Mystique

storytelling: i give this one to Austin/Bret...I thought george the animals involvement in the match was corny and i hate the finish (a small package roll up)

actual match itself from a wrestling standpoint: like you said, different styles...for those who like non stop action, counters, athleticism, and technical wrestling....Savage/Steamboat... for a more brutal, bloody, emotional match, hot crowd, etc you gotta go with Austin/Hart... so i call this a tie


May 29, 2015
Stu and Helen and Bret's daughter in the crowd at the Hitman vs Stone Card match at WM looking traumatized

I tend to agree that Hart vs Austin is the best match in wrestling history due to the psychology

The match had the fans going back & forth cheering between Hitman & Stone Cold all throughout the match

Fans cheered when Bret poked Stone Cold's eyes to avoid the sharpshooter

Bret busting Stone Cold's head wide open in front of children

IDC if Stone Cold didn't quit (iconic moment btw)

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