Brehs what does it mean when your girl wants to using a condom with you????


I have no strings on me.
May 6, 2012
She smartened up and you didn't? :manny: take that as a blessing in disguise.

I can't wait to get a vasectomy


man yall and this
May 11, 2012
My son's mother hit me with that shyt AFTER she gave birth to my son.

Told me she didn't want to risk getting pregnant again.She had something against the pill.Said she didn't trust the long term affects....Plus she said the pill made you gain weight.

About a month later, she started hitting the club with her friends(According to her, she was suffering from postpartum, and wanted feel good about herself again) but I saw the writing on the wall.

She hit me with some smooth psychological shyt.Came home from the club one night with my name tattooed on her breast.

I was :mindblown: because their was a lot of tension between us at the time.That next morning, she went shopping and bought me some new pajamas, T shirts, drawls..socks etc etc.

Really had me:ohhh:

Till this day, I think it was guilt.She went out and got some new meat shoved up in her ass.Either that or she met a potential prospect she thought she could move along with.You know how females do, they're calculating when it comes to shyt like that.In most cases, when they're operating on that slime ball level, they won't leave you until they're confident they got the new nikka where they need him to be.

That was Friday & Saturday.That Sunday morning, I woke up early to do some yard work(early for me is like 10 am).Turned the TV on so I can have ESPN playing in the background, but the dial was set on the music channel, and this song came on.

"Everytime I see you I get a bad vibe"

Those first few bars was gospel:to:

It hit me like the holy ghost.It was talking to me, so I was compelled to turn that shyt up full blast, on some subliminal shyt.

Baby mom's came out the room on some "Why you playing this song?:merchant:"

three days later, we split up.Go with your instincts, breh
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Jun 4, 2012
My son's mother hit me with that shyt AFTER she gave birth to my son.

Told me she didn't want to risk getting pregnant again.She had something against the pill.Said she didn't trust the long term affects....Plus she said the pill made you gain weight.

About a month later, she started hitting the club with her friends(According to her, she was suffering from postpartum, and wanted feel good about herself again) but I saw the writing on the wall.

She hit me with some smooth psychological shyt.Came home from the club one night with my name tattooed on her breast.

I was :mindblown: because their was a lot of tension between us at the time.That next morning, she went shopping and bought me some new pajamas, T shirts, drawls..socks etc etc.

Really had me:ohhh:

Till this day, I think it was guilt.She went out and got some new meat shoved up in her ass.Either that or she met a potential prospect she thought she could move along with.You know how females do, they're calculating when it comes to shyt like that.In most cases, when they're operating on that slime ball level, they won't leave you until they're confident they got the new nikka where they need him to be.

That was Friday & Saturday.That Sunday morning, I woke up early to do some yard work(early for me is like 10 am).Turned the TV on so I can have ESPN playing in the background, but the dial was set on the music channel, and this song came on.

Avant - Separated lyrics - YouTube

"Everytime I see you I get a bad vibe"

Those first few bars was gospel:to:

It hit me like the holy ghost.It was talking to me, so I was compelled to turn that shyt up full blast, on some subliminal shyt.

Baby mom's came out the room on some "Why you playing this song?:merchant:"

three days later, we split up.Go with your instincts, breh



i like this story cuz you're a smart dude. Most of these nikkas don't recognize the shyt.

As far as @Deetee - she probably just thinks he is cheating. That is always the case w me... I still just eat the pus and hit raw- but the suggestion of a condom- is when I'm more guarded w my cell phone, or I suddenly always have to 'go to gym' or do some random shyt. Girls have intuition.

If you are not cheating or acting fishy- then she's slowing falling for someone else... she's over u.
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May 11, 2012


i like this story cuz you're a smart dude. Most of these nikkas don't recognize the shyt.

As far as @Deetee - she probably just thinks he is cheating. That is always the case w me... I still just eat the pus and hit raw- but the suggestion of a condom- is when I'm more guarded w my cell phone, or I suddenly always have to 'go to gym' or do some random shyt. Girls have intuition.

If you are not cheating or acting fishy- then she's slowing falling for someone else... she's over u.

In my case, she knew I wasn't creeping.I was working 12-16 hour days and she was a stay at home mom.

I guess reality got too loud for her.

She had to go "find herself".We were young at the time:manny:(I was 22 and she was 21)

We've been separated for 5 years total.She's been trying to get back with me for the last 2 years.

About 8 months ago, we had a lil 2 week rendezvous.

She almost convinced me until I was at her crib one day and my son was playing with her phone.He was just mashing buttons and her browsing history popped up. I saw a site called

Got back to my crib later on that evening and browsed the site.Spotted her profile on there and created a fake account.

Mind you, this whole time, she was putting up a front like I was the apple of her eye.Teary eyed telling me how she fukked up by leaving me....How i'm the only man she ever wanted to marry yadda yadda yadda:shaq2:

So I create a fake profile.Sent her a few messages, and within a hour, she shot me her phone number, and was ready to meet up.Initiating the whole thing.I let it marinate a few days and she sent another message to my inbox saying "When are you going to call so we can meet face to face:smile: "

I didn't tell her the guy she'd been talking to on the net was me right away.I wanted to soak up the lesson.

It amazed me and scared me at the same time.How she was trying to be all lovey dovey with me, but fishing for dikks online.

When I confronted her about it, she just told me "I never led you on"

So pulling up to my house, teary eyed, giving MLK speeches about how you wanna get back together/ I'm the only man for you/ I've been masturbating to your pictures....wasn't leading me on?:wtf:

I was never convinced anyways.I hate to say it, it's a lil dishonorable, but I was only smutting her out....But hey, her shadiness put her there:yeshrug:.She was looking a lil thicker/curvier and that impelled me to fukk a few times.

I guess she thought since she gave me some p*ssy, she had me back in her web......God works in mysterious ways.My son playing with her phone just led to more confirmation.
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