Finished season 4 earlier today.
Bodie is a top 5 character to me across all sections of entertainment: movies, television shows, video games, etc. Almost anybody can relate to Bodie in nearly any position at a job. Even engineers and other assets get stuck when new owners, ceo's, management, etc. take over the company and all that respect they build gets overlooked to the point where one mistake cost them their job after 30 years of loyalty.
"You ain't putting me up in one of them empty ass houses neither" -> dude saying to fire him on spot, fukk all that come into my office bs like everyone else.
That last episode killed my day brehs. I know plenty of us read/heard about the chess references in that scene with the bishop and knight. What's equally as deep, was that those were the two pieces that weren't mentioned when chess was explained to them.
Dude had no chance but went down firing vs 2 legit assassins and one of their proteges
