Brehs, ever have a female stop returning texts/calls for no reason?


Feb 11, 2017
The wild shyt is when they ghost you and see you out later. I’ve had several girls get pissed at me for not speaking to them at a party after they ghosted me. “Oh you can’t talk to nobody now.” I even had one text me after I didn’t talk to her and ask why I didn’t speak. I sent her a screenshot of our last conversation, which was a bunch of short replies and her no longer responding. I told her she was a smart girl and could figure it out.


Personally I wouldn't have done all that.

If a girl ghosts me and I see them about, I will just say what's up and keep it moving.
It stings them when you act like nothing ever happened after they try to holla.
Had girls text after like "You didn't seem in a talkative mood" after I keep it brief with them.
Obviously that's when they get no reply:youngsabo:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Any perceived and/or demonstrated lack of interest is automatic K.I.M. status :manny: I don't have the time to play those types of games, if she's genuinely interested she'll make time no matter what else she's got going on :mjgrin:
This. Don’t play the game brehs.

Had a chick I was chatting with who lived about 40 minutes away. We finally decided to meet halfway and grabbed some lunch. The date went very well. I felt we vibed really good and we made plans to meet up again soon.:ehh: I liked her and had her as a definite possible.

She ghosted me right after that. For a hot second I was :picard: then I just immediately reset my thinking and was :yeshrug:

No more time or energy was put into her. I assumed that she has some old ex or side dikk she was trying to get out of her system. Either way she no longer existed.

About 2 months later I guess she cleared up whatever she had to clear up in her personal life and reached out. I honestly forgot who the fukk she was :manny: Deleted her from my phone and my life. She was :why:

After a little bit she invited me to her spot. I went and smashed. Tried to put her head thru the headboard. :smugfavre: Then ghosted her. She went back to not existing again.


May 1, 2012
Going thru that right now. We've been talking and texting for a min. She hit me up Saturday asking how my day was. I responded but she never hit me back. I let her be on Sunday then texted her on Monday, with no response :francis:

I hate blowing folks phone up but Ima call her today. If she don't answer, Ima charge it to the game and KIM:yeshrug:

Update: text her "you alive?" After this post and she responded "I can ask you the same" turns out she responded to my text but for some reason my phone didn't get it. I really like this chick so I made an exception for her and it worked
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