Nah it came from all them donations from them lonely brehs who support the pineapple show. Mel been had paper or either was getting sponsored. That chick was in a new country every week laying by pools.Buy your own engagement ring brehs
That shyt came from gil bank account
I have to be honest and say this shyt still gives mevibes.
It’s dumb to think once a woman gets past a certain age, or even have kids, that they can’t get wifed up. It might not be the same dude they wanted in their 20s, but they can definitely find someone. Stop being fooled by those delusional broads who would call up Kevin Samuels.
Watching the first 20-30 minutes you can tell they’re not gonna last. Melli seems very unpleasant to be around.
I mean the chick is literally in a different state or country every other day and doesn't even have a job. Breh works at Fed Ex and was thinking he was her targeted demographic. Like come on man, you gotta stay in your lane.
The vast majority of women want some capacity of cash, swag, or looks just like the vast majority of men want a fine broad.
A lot of nerdy cats are angry that their brains don't get them treated like an athlete dribbling a basketball. They want these lil instagram baddies twerking to them solving a math problem but these kind of women see them as corny and a come-up. Instead of being on some cute nerdy chick's page, they want their accounting degree to be able to have these insta-freaks going crazy.
You can just look at Melli's instagram page and see that she's not really looking for a nerd like that. It's like the same script keeps rewriting itself over and over and over again
Melli is out here chasing the rich athlete who is disrespecting her openly. Gill has her in his rotation shortly, does his thing and tosses her back. The simps then get mad that she didn't choose them because they would have taken care of her and treated her right. Melli starts amping up with the bitter woman rhetoric and starts hinting that black men are trash while ignoring her simp kingdom that would do anything she asked. She continues to hold out and get pureed in the rich athlete/entertainer blender while complaining there's no good men out there. It's the same story over and over.
There's gotta be a point where dudes finally get this message. They should have saw this play a mile away. They sending her money and giving her fame so she can elevate and get closer to the bracket of men she feels she deserves to be around. Now they butthurt because they thought they found a "good one" lol
The pineapple show was her boosting her YouTube career
The IG thots that come on that show boost their follower count
The losers are the coli Brehs who go on the show thinking they gonna bag lol
These women running game
Y’all said it all. I didn’t even see these posts. If I had seen all this I wouldn’t have bothered posting. YALL get it, but majority of her viewers don’t. Which is why they reacted the way the did to this relationship lolAnd the crazy part is that he probably ran into a few chicks that were into to him either at the work house or on his route but he plays them too the left because he's obsessed over a chic that he's never actually met