equate supporting another black man to worshipping Christ, brehs.All men except for Christ are flawed/sinful that’s why I don’t put my faith in sinful men except for Christ.
equate supporting another black man to worshipping Christ, brehs.All men except for Christ are flawed/sinful that’s why I don’t put my faith in sinful men except for Christ.
you got all of that from what I said? let's be clear about something:
somebody said that Umar, WITH HIS DEGREE, can't actually practice blah blah blah..
my only point is that our black leadership for the past 35-40 years, have been pastors.
pastors that don't even have churches.
anything else you're wanting to talk about is outside of the point I was making.
equate supporting another black man to worshipping Christ, brehs.
Who are these specific pastors?
Last time I checked responsible black men who are husbands and fathers should be the example of black leadership along with their wives.
If people looked up to Sharpton and Jackson as their leader then the joke is on them
It exists in the hearts and minds of the people.
i'm still talking about these two. slow down and re-read what i typed
my point was that these PASTORS (sharpton and jackson) have been our "leaders" for 30+ years.
they're just PASTORS. at least umar has SOME credentials. <<< this is false?
now, whether or not you don't see al sharpton and jesse as YOUR leaders is fine, I don't either
but that doesn't negate reality. whether WE like it or not, they're seen as leaders
I understand what you are saying.
However; Umar’s credentials, which happen to be in question as legitimate, does not absolve him from being above reproach as a leader in my estimation.
I’d rather have no one as a leader than a leader who is a hypocrite and narcissistic which Umar definitely is.
I feel you, you don't HAVE to like Umar. please by all means criticize him until a vein pops in your forehead if you feel the need to
just throwing a reminder out that we've had lackluster leadership that have done absolutely nothing for us for MY entire life.
i don't agree with or believe everything Umar says, but his message and authenticity is what I support.
He's the only semi-prominent black figure out here speaking for the poor and working class african american.
Thats your opinion bruh.you agree with some old dude (not to disparage the brother, he may be accomplished) sitting in a car gossiping, who clearly doesn't have the knowledge to even really understand what RWS is, or how its machinations affect his own life?
2 quick things for you:
1) these are from FBI dossier's, they aren't THE official FBI documents; but these dossiers exist. they are real. you don't have to believe them, but they do exist.
2) so the government just had the foresight to know what the cultural/political climate would be in 2017
and that when these are unearthed, they could still control the image and legacy of dr king well after ALL of their deaths?
cmon fam.
When you are a scam artist you should be called out. Scam artists aren't my people
That's Lenon Honor, he's a solid dude. He's sometimes annoying with his self righteousness but overall I like to watch his videos because he promotes positivity. He would infuriate the Coli though with some of his views on white supremacy but I agree with him on them.