Ok sir
As a black man that witnessed on the news white Trump supporters beating up fellow black men, and then seeing Trump flip-flop and stall about calling out the racists and basically blaming both sides and saying he understands and agrees with the protestors re: the statue.. how do you feel about that?
FDR-LBJ, you are referring to Presidents?
Illegal and legal immigration greatly benefits the working class because
A) many of them do the jobs the middle class does not want to do and would never want to do
B) the illegal immigrants contribute to society and the economy by spending their money in the US. If they would not exist taxes for legal Americans would simply be higher because all of a sudden a lot of income would be missing. When an illegal immigrant buys something and pays tavvxes over it, it is income for the government - without them they'd still want the same amount of money and would tax the legal working middle class for it
C) the former mayor of LA was on CNN saying illegal immigrats contributed billions of dollars to the economy of California
Happy to discuss
I'm also genuinely curious how you think Trump has done the last 9 months
First off, I appreciate the respectful tone. I assume most of us are here to actually learn something from one another (even if it's only the way that our political opponents may think), and flame wars don't get us anywhere.
I'll leave the discussion of Trump's performance for another thread, but in short, I've been pretty disappointed with him thus far, for a variety of reasons that would only distract from this thread's focus on immigration.
In response to your arguments:
A) This is patently false. Plenty of Americans would be happy to mow lawns, perform childcare duties, hang drywall, tar roofs, and even pick strawberries. What they aren't willing to do is perform these tasks without a wage commensurate with the effort expended.
B) Illegal immigrants cost the government more in tax revenue than they generate. Additionally, sure its beneficial to "the economy" to have more people spending more money - that simply raises total GDP. But my quality of life isn't determined by total GDP - its determined by per-capita GDP, and even more importantly, by the sorts of goods and services I'm able to purchase given my wages. The existence of illegal immigrants inflates rents, and especially in major metro areas where most of the jobs are in the first place. This directly lowers my standard of living if I'm a renter. The existence of illegal immigrants depresses my wages if I work in a sector that they participate in, as a greater supply of labor means that wages fall.
C) Of course they contributed billions of dollars to the economy of the state of California. They also cost it billions of dollars in health care expenditures, school funding and infrastructure maintenance. The distribution of benefits and costs when it comes to illegal immigrants are incredibly lopsided - essentially, the upper middle class and capital owning class get cheap, compliant labor, while the working and middle class are immiserated by skyrocketing housing costs, cratering wages and punishing commutes.