well his handlers should be ashamed of themselves... He shouldn't have been making appearances for over a decade but they kept wheeling him out to all types of bullshyt. But if he wasn't out making those appearances they wouldn't be making any $...
Blame his wife Lonnie. She cut Muhammad Ali away from a lot of his family too.
Muhammad Ali's only natural son hadn't spoken to father for two years
Muhammad Ali, Jr:
'He’s always given for the children, but he always said: "I think this disease cursed me, because I did all these bad things in life, and now it’s cursing my children, as I wasn’t there for them all the time.” I said: "No daddy, it’s the people around you who don’t give a damn."
'She doesn’t care about the man, she just cares about the trappings, the man [Ali] just cares about his kids. That’s the only people who he really ever cared about, and they’re the only ones that cared about him. Outside of those people, no one. We love him as a human being.
'That woman can’t love her own soul, so how can she love anyone herself? She was jealous of our relationships, and the fact she couldn’t have any children. She’s very bitter. Her mother pushed Lonnie onto my father, her mother used to be with my mother’s father for a long time, it was her long time ambition to be Mrs Ali.
Ali Jr said his kids had only met their grandfather on one occasion, but they asked about him all the time. His wife, Shaakira is pictured with their two children at their home in Chicago
'She wanted to be Mrs Ali so she can control him, but she didn’t get time to do that until he got sick. She also wanted to control his money.
'She’s spent a good amount of the fortune - an apartment for her [adopted] son Assad, got a house in Arizona, in California, in Kentucky, and a farm in Michigan. I think she’s spent more than half of the fortune, even the name got sold, the rights to his name, can you believe?
'I’m looking at all his money being spent. I’m looking at my own apartment, the water cut off, the showers don’t even run, the sinks don’t drain properly. Some of that money could have at least got me into a house, could have got my life back, given me a job, make some money for my family, given to his own grandkids.
'I’m living in a place where there’s shooting all the time. I’m just trying to get some water to wash my arse and need food stamps to get food for my kids. If I had some money, it would change things for me. But I’ll survive. Lonnie has never given me a damn dime.
'One time she could have given me his number. She would never let me get another picture of my father ever again, and I’ll never be seeing him again. I just don’t care anymore. But I”m the only son.
‘Even my dad said: "Lonnie is a test from Allah” - because she’s not a believer, she doesn’t want to be a Muslim. I think Lonnie is evil and I believe she will cut me out of the Will. How can she care about children if she’s never had any of their own?
'If we were ever in a room, I’d be respectful, but if she speaks for my dad, I would say you are nobody, you are just married to him, but I happen to be his son, that isn’t no coincidence, you just got him on the tail end of the illness, you kicked a man when he was down. I would never get on with Lonnie.
He said that some of his father's money could have 'at least got me into a house, could have got my life back, given me a job, make some money for my family, given to his own grandkids'. He's pictured with his daughter Shakera at his home in Chicago.