BREAKING: Roe v Wade has been overturned by the Supreme Court #BothSides

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
The fact that we are now framing our laws based on what an American Christian Taliban finds acceptable....


And the primacy of most of the arguments is " women shouldn't have sex unless they accept that they must give birth" so ultimately this is all about controlling women and using pregnancy to punish them for having sex

Pretty much.

We've strayed so far from the original argument of privacy and the legal definition of person hood.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
I find it interesting how Alito specifically mentioned the black population in his opinion. This same judge has spent his career ruling in favor of cases that segregate us into slums and impede upon our civil rights but he's acting like he gives a damn about our numbers
. :stopitslime:
That's why these nincompoops thinking that this is beneficial for Black people are short sighted...they think the bigger picture is larger Black population when the reality is, the White population is dropping and THAT'S why these CACs want to get rid of abortions, because their grandkids are saying fukk that whole go to school get a job and have kids and raise a family shyt when school is becoming more competitive, the job market is becoming more specialized, and the cost of raising a child has gone up exponentially.

The Millenials are approaching their 40's and a lot of them didn't have kids nor do they want them, and Gen Z is on the same "Stacking bread and having experiences and living their best life" wave.


All Star
May 28, 2012
Repped +

She killed you nikkas.

Lmao, no she didn't. She's literally pulling claims out her ass, presenting it as scientific fact, and you morons are swallowing it as gospel because it's what you want to believe is true. Not once has she actually backed anything she's said with data... just blanket talking points


Nov 19, 2013
Before continuing is your argument for the state to control women's reproductive rights with the overturning of Roe v Wade for the intention of increasing responsibility with regards to fertility and STDs?

That's a moral question, on the numbers are you familiar with these two studies below? You only need the conclusion in the first and the second link features a short summary controlling for some the factors you are presenting:

The Pregnancy-Related Mortality Impact of a Total Abortion Ban in the United States: A Research Note on Increased Deaths Due to Remaining Pregnant | Demography | Duke University Press

Are you willing to accepted the projected mortality rates as a result of this overturning? Understand, those mortality rates don't even figure in contraceptives being banned.

I said I am for more restrictive laws on abortion as I am against unborn babies being killed just bc, plus it could improve health/sexual health, came with facts that can be easily researched and you males move the goalpost, as if you all have a say.

The links you provided below are not studies, it’s people who are pro abortion spreading bull shyt. If the number of people born increases, of course the number of of possible deaths increase. That is common sense.

In relation to maternal mortality , If you research, the US has the most lax abortion laws out of the developed countries and the highest maternal mortality rates, which from the credible sources I’ve found, they said many were preventable. That is not a pregnancy problem, that is a healthcare problem as they also ranked US high in not having enough maternal care compared to other wealthy/developed countries. The stats for the us also support this by income and race. Other developed countries with stricter abortion laws and different healthcare do not have these problems at the same rate.

The US had a clear agenda which the racist creators of the pro abortion movement made clear as day, a fact you can google. They have more care and clinics for those who kill their unborn vs those who give birth, especially when it comes to Black Americans and it’s absolutely disgusting. They’re only trying to revert shyt now because the Foundational Black American population wasn’t the only one that decreased like they hoped. The number of Foundational white Americans and other white Americans decreased a lot and non European immigrant numbers, specifically Hispanics numbers are rising. I am all for them removing funds for abortions and putting it into better maternal care. I am against killing unborn kids conceived by those who consented to raw sex but don’t want to woman up and take responsibility. As I have also been saying, I am for condoms, bc, and plan b, the fact that you’re claiming the govt. is against it only proves my point even further. They’re desperately trying to increase the number of white Americans and they know that more people would actually use proper preventative measure with stricter abortion laws in place. They will never get rid of condoms & bc though, even if they tried, it can still be easily and safely ordered online from other countries.

You all need to stop coming with bull shxt and actually do your research. stop moving the goalpost or making shxt up that I did not say when you all notice you were wrong.

Im not going back and forth with you anymore.

You males should be more focused on your lack of parental rights vs women killing unborn babies anyway as you have never had a say. That’s why y’all never get anywhere when it comes to this.
If your arguement is that lax abortion laws cause a direct increase in STD rates I would argue thats where contraception use and sex education comes in. An increase in STD rates doesn't justify banning all abortions. Also if we ban abortions will you be in favor of more funding of public health?
I said I am for more restrictive laws on abortion as I am against unborn babies from people who chose raw sex being killed just bc, plus it could improve sexual health/health overall.

You could do a survey on the coli, im sure 100% of the coli know of condoms yet many of them have still chosen to have raw sex before, including yourself.

Sex education is not an excuse for adults, but even for teens, they have easy access to factual information thanks to technology. There is also sex Ed in jr high and hs, it was mandatory at mine. Not only that but doctors give out information and there is information online from credible .gov .edu sites. People know what condoms and birth control are, can easily Google to see where to get them yet many still decide not to use them bc they have easy outs like abortion. If they can look up the abortion clinic location every time they get pregnant and find std clinics every time they have have an itch, or for or nasty discharge, then they can look up the preventative information and I’m sure the doctors give them the info when they are treated.

To pretend that adults don’t know what condoms and birth control is is absolutely ridiculous, for the last time, there are literally no excuses. And I am definitely in favor of using tax money for better healthcare (especially for Black Americans) as long as it’s not going to killing unborn babies and trans people surgery.

Like I told the last guy, I’m done here. There are no excuses.


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
I said I am for more restrictive laws on abortion as I am against unborn babies being killed just bc
That was my first interaction with you, no goalposts have been moved.

With that, you skipped an important question and I have a few others:

1. Are you okay with an increase in mortality following a ban on abortion? (That's a simple yes or no, treat it as a hypothetical)
2. On what basis are deeming it morally wrong to abort a fetus that as not achieved sentience?
3. Are you fine with the state (aka Republicans) dictating the reproductive rights of women on the basis of their morality? (Because that is what is happening, we typically judge law on wellbeing and metric, this law is entirely on their religious basis, consider what that entails)

Very simple questions. (Well accept for 2, to an extent, you should already have that flushed out)


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
That was my first interaction with you, no goalposts have been moved.

With that, you skipped an important question and I have a few others:

1. Are you okay with an increase in mortality following a ban on abortion? (That's a simple yes or no, treat it as a hypothetical)
2. On what basis are deeming it morally wrong to abort a fetus that as not achieved sentience?
3. Are you fine with the state (aka Republicans) dictating the reproductive rights of women on the basis of their morality? (Because that is what is happening, we typically judge law on wellbeing and metric, this law is entirely on their religious basis, consider what that entails)

Very simple questions. (Well accept for 2, to an extent, you should already have that flushed out)
why are you arguing with that white man???


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
I wish them tech fakkits would take a stand and threaten to leave the state. But they wont.
Which let's you know what type of time they're on too

Techno libertarian types are still Republicans at the end of the day, they're just whites who don't want to be called racist, sexist, or homophobic because it's not socially fashionable


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
Which let's you know what type of time they're on too

Techno libertarian types are still Republicans at the end of the day, they're just whites who don't want to be called racist, sexist, or homophobic because it's not socially fashionable