BREAKING:Revealed Docs claim Biggie's Murder was CoverUp [Suge Knight sent the hit,Target was Diddy]

Do you think Suge Knight put the hit out on Diddy and Biggie?

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Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
It’s a fair theory to be honest bro …. You maybe right maybe truly puffy was the intended target since suge wen u think about it had no personal beef with biggie …. But then knowing suges jealous and spiteful ways in history he might have been like fukk it make puffy suffer by taking his number 1 artist in the first place ….all I know is suge that night who ever helped him he could have probably had both puffy and biggie killed either that night or the whole trip while badboy was in l.a but choose 1 I bet it burns suge soul to be honest that he didn’t kill puffy wen he had the chance since puffy has became way bigger then suge was in 96 … got to burn his soul …..

well according to the editors at the source magazine ... the infamous 1995 source award when suge said the line about the executive producers all in the videos .... come to death row was aimed at getting biggie on death row, mind you pac was in jail at the time... suge even stated he never had a problem with biggie only his man - meaning puffy and at the end of the day it really doesn’t make sense for suge to put a hit out on puff No. 1 artist when bad boy had entire label that was going platinum and multi platinum, that’s just another reason why I believe the Theresa Swan statement is bullshyt


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
Russell Poole had an alcohol abuse problem. There are other reasons he was supposedly disciplined that I have never been able to find more detail about, but the one that is most discussed is that he violated LAPD policy by using his work vehicle to go to an after work off the clock function where alcohol was being served, and then compounded that problem by letting someone else drive his vehicle because he was too drunk to drive (They even mentioned this in the Unsolved series). Another officer snitched on him, it was reported to his supervisor, it led to a complaint, and as a result he was transferred off the robbery and homicide division, which was working the Biggie case.

But yeah, him getting ready to break the Biggie case wide open, armed with the powerful testimony of Psycho Mike and a bunch of circumstantial occurrences that led nowhere is 100% totally the REAL reason he was removed from the Biggie case.

That makes alot more sense than repeated insubordination and him getting sh*t faced and violating company policy with city property. :comeon:

He was silenced! Silenced I tell you! :duck:

Also, and this is not to sh*t on the man when he's dead, but there's an argument to be made that he had some legit mental health issues going on. Not to say that everybody with an alcohol problem is mentally ill, but why the fukk would somebody quit the LAPD just months before they would have qualified for a lifetime pension? Who works a job 19 and a half years to just up and quit before they get their 20 years and obtain financial security for the rest of the life? The man obviously had some demons, lived a stressful life, was frustrated with how his superiors and coworkers weren't buying into his Biggie and LAPD corruption theories, and self-medicated as a result of all of that. He even acknowledges this as much himself when he sued the LAPD and blamed them for causing "mental anguish", distress, and insomnia.

And no, that's not the same as you slandering Kading with every breath. That's from Poole HIMSELF when he sued the LAPD back in 2000.

no disrespect but this is why you can’t be taken serious
you bring up corruption as far as Kading & Poole... then u insinuated I except one misconduct over the other because Poole is the theory that I roll with
so I ask you to give me an example of Poole corruption/misconduct and all you can come up with “he was supposedly an alcoholic and one incident where he drove his company car to an event where they had alcohol and ask his partner to drive him home : which by your accounts this is what ultimately got him thrown off the biggie task force
like this shyt got to be a joke
seriously you couldn’t come up with one single negative thing regarding to his policing for LAPD

this pretty much confirms the notion that he was taking off because he was close to solving the murder


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
First off, Reggie "going on record" saying she's not 100% sure if Poochie killed him is redundant if she acknowledged in her testimony that she wasn't there the moment Biggie was shot in the first place. This isn't some unknown piece of information. What other reason would you have for bringing this up if it weren't to attempt to discredit the theory? This grand revelation from Reggie you trotted out is in her damn statement. :dahell: If you didn't bring it up to discredit the theory, what purpose does it serve?

For the umpteenth time, how can what Teresa Swann says be a reason for your doubting the Poochie theory if her testimony is the primary form of corroboration for it? THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Not unless you cherry pick specific parts of what she claims occurred. She says she wasn't there the moment Big was shot. But she also says that Suge had her arrange for her to pay Poochie to shoot Biggie himself. This is the part you keep conveniently leaving out when you attempt to use her as a source of info to discredit the source of the damn info in the first place, lol. If you don't believe Poochie killed Biggie, COOL. But you cannot, and let me type it in caps for people in the nosebleed sections, CANNOT USE HER OWN TESTIMONY AS A SOURCE OF WHY YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT SAID THEORY IF SHE IS THE PRIMARY SOURCE OF CORROBORATION FOR THE THEORY IN THE FIRST PLACE. That makes absolutely no goddamn sense what so fukking ever. That's literally using the confession of person confessing to a crime as the reason the confession is untrue. :heh:

There are reasons you can cite for why you choose not to believe Poochie killed Biggie. Teresa Swann, however, ain't one of them brother.

And a "witness, weapon, alibi"?

For one, an alibi is a defense my man. Why would someone accusing Poochie of murder provide a defense for why he didn't commit what they're accusing him of? :dahell:

I don’t even understand why you even wasting your own time writing this nonsense you are the only one that keeps bringing up Teresa Swan statement in this conversation not me
and for the millionth time I can care less about a sworn statement like real talk statement is a piece of toilet paper anybody can wipe their ass with it .... whether you wanna believe it or not is irrelevant you still have to show the proof of him committing the crime
there’s no cherry picking this and cherry picking that ... the fact is she didn’t see him at the party and is not 100% sure he committed the crime

Second, why are you demanding a burden of proof that you refuse to hold your own theory to? No weapon or witness exists for the Amir Muhammad theory either, yet that doesn't stop you from believing it. Having said that, there IS corroborating evidence for the Poochie theory. It is not as strong as a sworn statement offering immunity from participation in the crime (Teresa Swann), but it is additional evidence that helps support it. They didn't just pull Poochie and Teresa Swan's name out of thin air (well, technically they did for her because that's an alias, :pachaha:, but I digress....). They had intercepted jailhouse letters from the co-defendant of one of Suge's/Death Row's muscle that claimed Poochie was the killer. They had evidence that Poochie had committed murder and crimes for Suge before Biggie was even killed, and they have Reggie Wright and a Death Row manager corroborating a request from Suge to obtain cash in the amount of money that Teresa claims was paid to kill Biggie.

Now, you can choose to take issue with those if you choose, which again, is fine. But to say that nothing else exists to support a theory suggesting Poochie was the killer outside of Teresa Swann saying so is simply untrue. It exists, you just choose not to find it credible. :manny:

Poole found the same type bullets that was used in David Mac apartment or house and 3 witness
while your theory is complete shyt & a bunch of hearsay

Why is it a lie? Eugene Deal was questioned on three separate occasions by detectives working Biggie's murder before Kading and his team were even assigned the case. A recording or transcript of the interview that Kelly Cooper was apart of has never even been released, so I don't know how you know what Cooper said during this exchange. I suspect you're getting this from Eugene Deal, who changes stories like I change socks :beli:. The only thing that is definitively known from that interview to the general public is that he identified someone who was NOT Amir Muhammad. Kading says that when he called Gene after he retired and questioned Gene in the presence of an LA Weekly reporter, Gene said that he misspoke and meant to say to police that the guy "looks like" the guy who came up to him. Which would mean that he definitively identified to police a person who was not Amir Muhammad and looked nothing like him if he claimed to Kading that he "misspoke" during the initial detective interview. The only way to put this disagreement on what he said to bed once and for all is to hear the actual interview. :yeshrug:

because it is most definitely a lie
in one of the documentaries you can hear Kelly Cooper and Gene voice where he says the person is not in the photo lineup and then they asked Gene to pick the one that resembles

even in your man’s murder rap documentary the subtitles come on and says for Gene to pick the person that most resembled ...

You damn sure know this, which makes you a goddamn liar

The facts are the facts
they initially gave Gene a photo lineup in which Gene says the person is not in this lineup they asked him to pick the person who resembles the most & he did for ... for your man Detective Kading to be a complete scumbag and totally disingenuous by saying Gene pick the wrong person in the initial lineup only to backtracked and say Gene resemble pick doesn’t even look like Aamir Mohammed is completely horrific investigation

Even when, or if that eventually happens, it's still somewhat of a moot point. Eugene said out his own mouth to police that he couldn't see the shooter from where he was (a snippet of him saying this is played in Murder Rap. Which was obvious if he was in the car ahead of Biggie's while Big's car is at the light getting shot up.)

Playing fast and loose with the facts again I see. "A year later when "THEY" followed up?? No big homie, "they" here isn't the police. Nice try though. When Eugene Deal identifies Amir Muhammad as the shooter, he does it in a documentary to the director of the documentary. Big difference between telling the cops one thing years earlier and telling Joe Schmoe the movie director something different years later. I salute your commitment to keeping the waters nice and muddy with misinformation though. :salute:

well take that up with Gene - his words not minds

Breh, it all makes sense now. You have absolutely no idea what the fukk you're talking about!


Gene doesn't say ANY of that on the 911 call!!! The only thing on the 911 call regarding the shooter's description is "yo, dude look like he was Muslim, kid. He was dressed like that". Nothing else specific about what he was wearing or what he looked like.

And you're combining two separate quotes given on two separate occasions of Gene Deal anyway. The description he gave of what the guy who came up to his car was wearing was during a police interview weeks after Biggie was killed. And the description where he gives this apparent facial description of him was in the Biggie and Tupac documentary YEARS after Biggie was killed.. The police notes from that same interview said that Gene heard, "from Paul, who was told from Lil Cease, that the shooter was a Muslim." So according to the police, Gene doesn't even hear this info from Cease direct, and doesn't even relay this third-hand information connecting who approached him as supposedly being the shooter to police until weeks after Biggie is killed. And doesn't give a facial description of him until years after in a documentary, yet in your mind that equates to Gene relaying this information "seconds after the shooting"???


Whether or not it’s the 911 call or all of them being at the hospital ... but the fact of the matter is that it’s on tape - of Gene describing the particular Muslim type that walked up to puff suburban moments before the shooting

why is this so hard for you to even comprehend
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Tha realest n***a
Sep 20, 2015
not sure if poochie did kill biggie all I know is …. Reggie said on streettv that he knows suge was relived or glad wen poochie ended up getting killed n not sad or down that would raise an eyebrow a lil bit since poochie and suge were cool never had beef etc …..and that lil rod who used to be crimeys with poochie said he knows poochie killed biggie …. Reggie said if poochie didn’t kill biggie then he was making it appear as if he did n taking credit for it…..
Jul 26, 2015
no disrespect but this is why you can’t be taken serious
you bring up corruption as far as Kading & Poole... then u insinuated I except one misconduct over the other because Poole is the theory that I roll with
so I ask you to give me an example of Poole corruption/misconduct and all you can come up with “he was supposedly an alcoholic and one incident where he drove his company car to an event where they had alcohol and ask his partner to drive him home : which by your accounts this is what ultimately got him thrown off the biggie task force
like this shyt got to be a joke
seriously you couldn’t come up with one single negative thing regarding to his policing for LAPD

this pretty much confirms the notion that he was taking off because he was close to solving the murder

Ok pal. Believe what you will. I made it explicitly clear that I personally don't believe Russell Poole was corrupt. Calling someone dirty or corrupt is just a classic and lazy argumentative device used to smear someone's character and thus make the information they present easier to dismiss. You know, what you and other Greg Kading detractors do to dismiss his task force's discoveries by repeatedly calling him dirty, etc.?

You brought up supposed examples of Greg Kading's "corruption" and I gave you a point by point breakdown of why those were horseshyt attempts at mudslinging created by said detractors. You then ask for examples of Russell Poole facing disciplinary action by the LAPD since you were under the assumption he was some squeaky clean crusader, I provide you with those examples (again, not as an effort to show his "corruption"), and they're immediately dismissed because in your mind those were lies used against him because he was getting too close to the truth.


This is how the mind of a conspiracy theorist operates btw, regardless of the topic. It's why rational arguments and data have no effect in changing their minds. Opposing presentations of facts actually reinforce their erroneous beliefs and harden their convictions even further ("it's the deep state trying to cover their tracks!"). There are hundreds of articles and studies done on the psychology of this phenomenon. Here's just one I pulled up in a google search.

Why you can't argue with a conspiracy theorist

Which is why I continue to say that I put this info out there for the lurkers and not to you directly because there is literally NOTHING that will have you see this topic in any other direction than what you've already settled on. I tell you Biggie's own mom and her lawyers have abandoned this cockamamie idea of cops conspiring to murk Biggie, you counter with its because she breast cancer. I tell you that's an utterly pathetic rebuttal of explaining her intentions and has absolutely jack shyt to do with the topic at hand, and you accuse me of being insensitive of black women with breast cancer (which I suppose would also include MY OWN MOTHER who is a breast cancer survivor :stopitslime:). I show you where Russell Poole had disciplinary action taken against him which you were unaware of, its immediately dismissed as part of a further LAPD/FBI cover-up. I show you how and why accusations against Greg Kading have been dishonestly manipulated by those with a vested interest against having his conclusions heard, its completely ignored.

It literally doesn't matter. Whether its shooting holes all throughout Pyscho Mike's testimony, explaining why Keefe D would have zero incentive to fabricate lies in his proffer agreement, showing how conclusions tying cops to Biggie's murder are connected based on wild circumstantial reaches that would make Reed Richards envious, NOTHING is gonna penetrate the beliefs that people like you have regarding this case. So it is what it is.



Oct 27, 2014
Suge should just make a deal with the feds. Get me out of here and I'll tell you the truth behind all the 90s drama.

Then get out and sell an autobiography.

Everyone is dead now so who cares.
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Jul 26, 2015
Suge should just make a deal with the feds. Get me out of here and I'll tell you the truth behind all the 90s fukkery.

Then get out and sell an autobiography.

Everyone is dead now so who cares.

That's why it would never happen (besides Suge not wanting to ever be seen as a snitch). If everyone is dead what incentive would any law enforcement agency have to offer him anything?

Interesting enough, your suggestion also explains why the "cops did it" theory holds no weight in Biggie's case. When David Mack, Raphael Perez, and the Rampart Scandal broke, NOT ONE cop mentioned anything about Biggie. Raphael Perez was singing like a canary, but I guess he didn't know any Biggie lyrics cuz he never mentioned the murder. If a snitch was in a jam, why the fukk would they keep silent about something of that magnitude?


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
Ok pal. Believe what you will. I made it explicitly clear that I personally don't believe Russell Poole was corrupt. Calling someone dirty or corrupt is just a classic and lazy argumentative device used to smear someone's character and thus make the information they present easier to dismiss. You know, what you and other Greg Kading detractors do to dismiss his task force's discoveries by repeatedly calling him dirty, etc.?

You brought up supposed examples of Greg Kading's "corruption" and I gave you a point by point breakdown of why those were horseshyt attempts at mudslinging created by said detractors. You then ask for examples of Russell Poole facing disciplinary action by the LAPD since you were under the assumption he was some squeaky clean crusader, I provide you with those examples (again, not as an effort to show his "corruption"), and they're immediately dismissed because in your mind those were lies used against him because he was getting too close to the truth.


This is how the mind of a conspiracy theorist operates btw, regardless of the topic. It's why rational arguments and data have no effect in changing their minds. Opposing presentations of facts actually reinforce their erroneous beliefs and harden their convictions even further ("it's the deep state trying to cover their tracks!"). There are hundreds of articles and studies done on the psychology of this phenomenon. Here's just one I pulled up in a google search.

Why you can't argue with a conspiracy theorist

Which is why I continue to say that I put this info out there for the lurkers and not to you directly because there is literally NOTHING that will have you see this topic in any other direction than what you've already settled on. I tell you Biggie's own mom and her lawyers have abandoned this cockamamie idea of cops conspiring to murk Biggie, you counter with its because she breast cancer. I tell you that's an utterly pathetic rebuttal of explaining her intentions and has absolutely jack shyt to do with the topic at hand, and you accuse me of being insensitive of black women with breast cancer (which I suppose would also include MY OWN MOTHER who is a breast cancer survivor :stopitslime:). I show you where Russell Poole had disciplinary action taken against him which you were unaware of, its immediately dismissed as part of a further LAPD/FBI cover-up. I show you how and why accusations against Greg Kading have been dishonestly manipulated by those with a vested interest against having his conclusions heard, its completely ignored.

It literally doesn't matter. Whether its shooting holes all throughout Pyscho Mike's testimony, explaining why Keefe D would have zero incentive to fabricate lies in his proffer agreement, showing how conclusions tying cops to Biggie's murder are connected based on wild circumstantial reaches that would make Reed Richards envious, NOTHING is gonna penetrate the beliefs that people like you have regarding this case. So it is what it is.


breh, I got nothing against you
it’s obvious that you are a journalist because you write well ... i’ll give you that

With that said you still come off completely disingenuous

1. dirty corrupt crooked cop Kading is not something that originated for me nor other posters on here ... that came from people in his circle that covered the case .... as far as the things that I brought up there are many others that I didnt even bring up, there was a whole series on YouTube on his shadiness when he was in LAPD/Private investigator ... the irony is those videos must have been scrub because you can’t find them anymore .... I wonder why

2. you attempted to tie Kading & Poole together as corrupt/misconduct so I asked you to give me examples of detective Poole and buy your own words you said you searched and couldn’t come up with anything and then move the goal post about calling him an alcoholic and bringing up a case or incident of him using a company car add an event where he had a few drinks and asked his partner to drive home ... It’s pretty much shocking how that’s all you can come up with when we pretty much know that more than half of police officers regardless of what city they work in have alcohol/Substance abuse issues ... that clearly was a weak attempt to discredit him

3. conspiracy, really ..... out of the two theories only one of them, that is a conspiracy, and my friend - that’s the one that you believe in

4. why do you continuously bring up Miss Wallace ? she clearly doesn’t believe in your man Greg Kading‘s bullshyt
She went on the breakfast club morning show several months ago and was asked about your man Kading docu/series and to quote her she said “i’m glad it’s was done .... but 98% of it isn’t true” .... so, that should dead you bringing her name up again !!!