1. Who is this eyewitness that saw Amir Muhammad shoot Biggie? You can't just turn speculation into fact because that's what you wanna believe to be the truth. Nobody has even definitively placed him at the museum that night let alone as a shooter. This is the type of shyt I'm talking about. One person speculates something based upon an earlier speculation, and eventually they somehow end up morphing into concrete tangible facts. That's not how investigations, truth, or science works.
2. This supposed "sabotaging" of evidence is also pretty silly. How do you sabotage information that is publicly accessible? These alleged copies of sabotaged files and pictures conspiracy theorists keep running with can just as easily be obtained the same way the LAPD got them in the first place. The LAPD doesn't own the rights to surveillance video or pictures taken at the museum. If there were pictures of Amir Muhammad taken by the museum cameras, why wouldn't lawyers for Biggie's estate just go get a subpoena for the same pictures that the LAPD did? Do you cats who believe this nonsense even know how the law works?
3. "The pieces are all there. It's just very, very, complex." Do you not hear yourself and hear how ridiculous this sounds? This is bordering on Info Wars, tin-foil hat style conspiracies. Multiple people in the LAPD and FBI, under multiple sub-sections of law enforcement, all somehow align with various private individuals and businesses, and risk decades of jail time, their careers and livelihoods, for what? To protect some dirty cops who the LAPD ending up convicting of crimes and throwing in jail anyway? That's the problem with any conspiracy theory, let alone conspiracies involving Big and Pac. The more people and pieces that have to coalesce in order for it to work, the more improbable and implausible the theory becomes. There's actually mathematical studies and equations that have been developed that show why conspiracy theories are so implausible because the probabilities began to crumble when you include so many tangibles and factors needed for them to work.
That unfortunately doesn't stop people from believing in them or failing to apply Occam's razor.