Why do you post this lying right-wing nonsense?
Lincoln was anti-slavery his entire life and definitely never owned slaves.
1. Lincoln's parents were abolitionists (anti-slavery activists) in Kentucky.
2. They left Kentucky when Lincoln was a child because they couldn't stand living amongst slaveowners.
3. Lincoln obviously couldn't have own slaves cause his entire adult life was in Illinois, a free state.
4. There are personal letters on the record between Lincoln and his friends, from before he even entered politics, talking about how much he abhorred slavery.
"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong," he stated. "I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel."
5. Lincoln co-founded the Republican Party on an anti-slavery platform.
6. During the election, Lincoln ran on a promise to refuse to allow the expansion of slavery to new states. That was literally the biggest political issue of the age and a low-key war was already being fought over it, look up "Bloody Kansas".
7. Lincoln had to repeatedly assure voters that he wouldn't forcibly ban slavery in the South against their will (because he didn't believe it was legally possible anyway).
8. When he got elected, the South immediately seceded anyway because of his anti-slavery position.
9. One of his first legislative acts was to ban slavery in Washington DC.
10. At times he offered deals to the South that would allow them to come back into the Union and more gradually end slavery, because ending the war quickly was a more important goal to him than ending slavery immediately. But he never compromised the position that slavery had to end at some point.
11. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and freed slaves in the South because it was a military necessity AND because he wanted to do it. He says himself that the fact that it was a military necessity is what finally have him the legal justification to do it.
12. Lincoln fought harder for the 13th Amendment, banning slavery everywhere in the States forever, than any president had ever fought for legislation. He threatened congressmen, he bribed congressmen, he called in every favor he had, he employed months-long pressure campaigns on specific individuals, he have away cushy lifelong appointments to congressmen solely on the basis of them voting for this one bill. The 13th Amendment passed because Lincoln MADE it pass.
13. In one of the final speeches of his life, Lincoln declared that Black men didn't just deserve freedom, but the vote too. Remember, not even White women could vote back then and wouldn't get it for another 50 years. That was the moment John Wilkes Booth decided to kill Lincoln, because he couldn't stand to see Black people get the vote.
Lincoln wasn't some angel. Like nearly all white men of his era, he still had some racist views (it's not like he had ever seen what Black people were capable of from an equal footing), and real anti-racism movements didn't exist until about 1910. And ending slavery immediately was not his #1 priority. He would rather avoid war than end slavery immediately, but he also would rather accept war than allow slavery to expand. But to deny that he was against slavery is ridiculous neo-confederate propaganda.