After her family passed away, Ms. Grant dedicated herself to finding gainful employment. Neighbors in her building provided career advice and sought her assistance with personal events. Ms. Grant used these non-paying roles and volunteer work in community initiatives to build her resume. 5. The building’s Resident Manager wanted to help. She messaged McMahon to ask whether he would talk to her, sharing that Ms. Grant had been through hardship and would do great things if given a fresh start. McMahon enthusiastically responded, “Hell Yes!!
In October 2009, Vince and
Linda McMahon purchased a 3,900 sq ft (360 m2) penthouse duplex at Trump Parc Stamford for $4.1 million. It was the only other penthouse to have been sold up to that time. McMahon was also a member of the condominium board.
In December 2020, The Trump Organization ended its contract with the property. A name change became official on February 16, 2021, when the seven-member condo board voted unanimously to remove Trump's name from the property.