Reading all that like... Send Vinnie to Guantanamo

Vince fukked up when he tried to buy NBC….Vince McMahan had better get the same public persecution that Bill Cosby received. He is an evil degenerate who deserves prison in this life & Hell in the next.
And that ladies and gentlemen is why Endeavor labeled him a liability, and this I'm sure gives them grounds to remove him completely. I wonder who's going to wind up with his shares when he dies/goes to prison/flees the country.
Really weird considering they’ve been separated for years from all accounts…I'm shocked that Linda hasn't divorced him yet given he no longer owns the company.
This goes all the way back to referee Rita Chatterton and there’s a whole different element when you start looking into Pat Patterson and the cream teamAin't no way this is the only person this has happened to....and if it's true that he was getting her to fukk talent on the roster, this shyt could get REAL ugly for the company.
Vince fukked up when he tried to buy NBC….