Normally I’d be against censorship. But banning Trump et al. needed to happen. The motherfukker attempted a coup that killed people. If there was ever a time to censor somebody, it would be now.
If he does a press conference he faces the possibility of having to answer questions from people outside of his camp.If he has something to say, why doesn't he just do a press conference? He's still president for another week and a half, right?
Normally I’d be against censorship. But banning Trump et al. needed to happen. The motherfukker attempted a coup that killed people. If there was ever a time to censor somebody, it would be now.
He never tried to violently attack a state building before yesterday though...I have no dog in this race, but it’s very telling that the social media platforms only decided to censor the president now when he only has a few weeks left of his presidency.
Is this real?
I can't wait until the lung cancer bans him from lifeThat old boomer fakkit Rush Limbaugh is banned too
It's hilarious till it's our voices they silence. I would have rather they let the fukk rant his way to a jail cell.
He never tried to violently attack a state building before yesterday though...
I work IT used to work for Verizon though. Either get a Samsung Evo or a Sandisk (red and gray)and don’t even try nothing else. Samsung SD cards work best for the Notes. I get a new Note every year and I got two free 256gb cards from Samsung when the Note 7 came out. Those ain’t never failed me.You work at a phone store huh? I'm actually about to buy a new sd card for my galaxy note. What brand card would you recommend?