Its very manufactured, in fact, a few days ago I saw a discussion on reddit and they were talking about how the conservative section sometimes waits 24 hours after a news story breaks to decide which direction they wanna take with it. They usually wait until they hear what the narrative will be from Fox news/Trump/Musk before they post any new threads. At times, the conservative section has old stories up top for 18-24 hours before it gets refreshed. Then whatever they hear from Fox/Musk they roll with it.The more I learn about everything going on and seeing as how I'm knee deep as a federal employee, the more I suspect a lot of this support for what Musk is doing is manufactured and I'm almost to the point of suspecting that this election was rigged. I'm not there yet but the way he's moving, and the access he's being handed is having me think that it's not out of the realm of possibility that all of this is a favorfor his help to Trump.
Conservatives are now having to roll with the narrative that the federal worker is public enemy #1, Russia is good, Musk is doing a great job, and all these cuts to the govt./medicaid/retirement are a good thing. And don't forget, musk is manufacturing narratives and story lines on twitter every hour of the day. The federal worker is now a lazy, fat slob, who does nothing and steals a $150,000 salary per year.