Screwface Exchange
All Star
yeah i hear ya, and that carwash was such a whack idea.. sure it was more smarter than a paintball spot, but still a f*ckin carwash?
i would've taken the route of Gus, maybe started up a restaurant..
what bout all that laundered money his wife has in that storage box
is it dirty? or can he still use some of it?
i swear when he was working with Gus, he was making almostt a milly a week..
Didnt the wife spend all dat dough payin off dudes debts, b4 he went and crippled himself. Remember she cleaned out all da cash. Then ww, jessie and mike started working again, but payin off all the ppl to be quiet was takin up most his money. He even had to borrow from jessie for a bit.
And then the hit to kill all of mikes guys, mustve cost sum serious dough. plus was payin for hanks rehab n ish. WW aint as stacked as he use to be.