Long Live The Kane
Tyrant Titan
Not my favorite episode, just cause the ridiculousness of some it kinda takes me outta it...the random band of skinheads executing this high genius level coordinated hit on 9 targets in 3 separate prisons within 2 minutes of each other...flawlessly and with apparently no one getting caught and flipping...the cia or the mossad would have trouble pulling that off, let alone a hodgepodge of burnout rednecks....the years of buildup for Hank finding Walt out, ending with Walt just lazily leaving a damning piece of evidence chilling in one of the common areas of his home that his DEA brother in law who's been almost singularly obsessed with the case is over visiting with free reign to wander around the crib would most likely find it...knew that they'd have to arrive at these points somehow, but goddamn...far as just pure drama those two scenes were entertaining as fukk though, just logically a bit
...i for sure thought something was happen to walt jr and the baby at the end