He is built for that life more than you think, I want you to re watch the episode again, when they go to Mike with the offer and he gets on a high horse and says no. Walt was calm about it because he knew Steve Gomez had his money seized already, Steve was the 1st guy to greet Hank downstairs when he came in, Steve was on the list of 11 people to get killed also. Steve knows what Hank knows and tipped Saul off who in turn tipped Walt off. He was so calm when Mike called and said he was in liked he expected it already. Walt is Doctor Doom status now. Also why would a CEO kill himself rather than talk with the cops, this meth company is international, look at the billboards, you saw how that, Mike and Gus connect going to open up a whole new lane for them, Lydia will set up a dummy company for the car wash and open a chain of them to cover Walt's new money stream.