first two seasons are better than any other seasons in the series
the first two seasons of BB are like a good book. sure there are some less realistic scenes like the "this is not meth" , but for every scene like that I can find a scene in your favorite show.
most people who can't get through first seasons of breaking bad never read a good novel in their lives. and yes Im pretty confident making this generalization
even breaking bad stans wouldnt agree with that

first two seasons are essential only in seeing how the walt/jesse relationship began but its boring and the characters are awful besides the leads. not because there arent "cool" characters. "interesting" is a better word. People like Gus and Mike, Snoop and Chris because you can't wait to watch their scenes. They are good characters first, I dont like them cause i have some drug kingpin fantasy.
what do you consider a good novel

its a cable television show about a teacher who starts cooking meth and the trouble he gets into. not shakespeare, moby dikk, etc. why even make that comparison?