The fact that two countries who've routinely broken international law were still allowed in the UN reveals the TRUE purpose of the organization:
The point is to keep rich countries from fighting eachother because when they do, it completely upends the balance of power.
America will likely try to start WW3, but it would really be more like everyone else vs america, israel, and maybe russia. It'll be like World War 1 which was essentially Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman empire vs England, France, Russia, Canada, Italy and America near the end of it. The good news though is if America's war machine is destroyed, like how america helped rebuild Europe and Japan, the European Union, Japan, and China could help rebuild America. This country will get a new constitution, universal healthcare, new electoral system, a shytload of new laws which are enforced immediately and seriously to keep people with money and influence in check and turning all of those military bases overseas into actually helpful infrastructure like hospitals and universities.
A war will purge a lot of the people who are 100% maga committed and will believe 2+2=5 if Elon musk and Donald Trump say so. There can be no progress with people like that. They're a kind of cancer that will multiply and eat away at your society until it collapses. They either need to be sent to labor camps and re-educated before being returned to society, or they need to be on the frontlines like the truly devoted nazis were and they'll be killed in combat and hunted down and executed for war-crimes during peace time.
You can't have civil society with people who are actual sadists and ENJOY hurting vulnerable people in society and absolutely refuse to ever admit that they're wrong about anything or accept any information that doesn't confirm their existing world views. They're at constant war with logic and facts because if a logical argument can be made for why they are wrong, and they are capable of understanding that chain of reasoning, they are too cowardly to accept the shame that comes with being wrong and to have the humility and dignity to change directions and improve as human beings. Those kinds of people are incompatible with democracy and will inevitably try to create the same power-hungry, heirarchical society that plunged humanity into two world wars. They are crash outs that need to be put to sleep.
Or as as the honorable Minister Professor Dr. Umar put it :