I was gonna wait til I got home to share this little story with y'all but since I'm in this long ass slow line I might as well write it up now..
So I copped my first pair at finish line right at the 10am dead line and there was only about 12 people in line for left over pairs so I decided to see if I could cop another. This
Breh comes up to me reeking of weed with his fat girlfriend and asks what I'm standing in line for so I said for jordans.. then he goes "well I know that, what type of answer is that"
So then I go WELL, why the hell did u ask then?
Then his girl whispers something to him and he goes, nah this fool give me a dumb ass answer to my simple question..
So then I say, I answered your question u must have not understood
And he goes nah fool u knew what I was asking u..
So at this point I'm like

U need to just move on because your girl looks embarrassed breh
Then he says nah she's not embarrassed she just don't like dealing with idiots.
So then I said why is she with u then
The other people in line started laughing but at this point an employee came out and said they were out of sizes unless we could specifically ask for the only size they had left. So the rest of us took guesses until someone guessed correctly lol..
So we walked away and dude was still pissed I just hit em with the