Bottom of Dating Totem Pole: Why Asian Men/Black Women = Social Unicorn Status


Stop Hatin'.
Jun 6, 2012
That's cool man. Question though, how does your family feel about it?

Doesn't matter how they feel. They live off of my dime. :birdman:

But in all seriousness tho', they've learned to accept it so they're cool with it. I'm the only son so I'm sure my rents would like to have had full Korean grandkids, but such is life I suppose. :yeshrug:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Asian Men, outside of the stereotype of being good martial artists, are looked at as the most nerdy and feminine out of all men.

Black women are looked at the most masculine, and the least open minded.

Of course, these are stereotypes.

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
Asian Men, outside of the stereotype of being good martial artists, are looked at as the most nerdy and feminine out of all men.

Black women are looked at the most masculine, and the least open minded.

Of course, these are stereotypes.

It's an uphill battle for sure.

But being one of the last of the Mohicans...

A fella wakes up errday knowing that he's going to change the minds of those who have such strong generalizations of thee and hope to influence them in a more positive, stronger way while simultaneously... hoping to leave an impression that makes them say, "Wow, now that's a different kind of cat."

Never met a person, black, white - whatever that i didn't feel like i leave a good mark on (shiits like a full time job... i.e. being the first asian for many women outside my race - or here's this one for the kicker, dating asian women who swore they would never date their own. For my piece of mind, i wouldn't continue anything with a self-hating, social-ladder-chasing heffer).

But for me, it's about the Unity. Not the novelty of being with somebody who isn't of my creed.

My aspirations to date as many women as i could (and perhaps, finding love in the process) is the help pave the way for guys who after me, will hopefully have a little leeway/leniency from generations of social discriminaciones.

Not so much of an idealistic anticipation when i say that i hope for the world to be a melting pot of mingling and interaction - and we just become grey. No color this, no race that. No segregated communities or districts. Common blocks where all minds have common thoughts and not policed by rotten cops, just universal love, sparked by solid hearts.

When it comes down to it, the only diaspora that we, as a people are experiencing and allowing to continually tether, drag and prolong... is being tolerant of "stereotypes."

The sad thing is that, i'll come on the coli and attempt to be neutral with all but... even after 10 years on SOHH and my stint here (and almost a grand of post), i still witness and face racism here (but back when i was an anonymous, it was all cool beans, then i disclose my ethnicity and my daps declined, i began losing reps, etc. I couldn't justify it any other way).

That's the reality we dwell in and the internet is just an extension of society. So i accept that - but i'm not tolerant of it. Doing something about it is my mission - thats why i try to speak to y'all. Facilitate some kind of conversation. But all my threads do plie wood numbers (who's gonna pay attention to someone who ain't even considered a legitimate poster, according to the thread where every member ever signed up was listed, my ass was no where to be found. LOL. Naw, i'm actually hurt from that tbh :(

Real deal, April O'neal? As redundant as this may sound, i'm here cuz i love y'all. If i was lying, you'd see thru the bullshiit. All the time i spend trying to make y'all laugh is from the heart. Perhaps, it ain't funny. But at least - you know its real.

Back to the love.

Came across this clip on youtube. It's about a "peculiar" pairing between a Univision news anchor and a chiropractor (i believe, some medical profession. They talk about how they met, their instant chemistry, cultural woes and tribulations but - how they manage to find love at the most unlikeliest of circumstances.

That just lets you know... fate has no color.

And if it hasn't for you already, i hope it chooses something great for you.


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Jul 6, 2012
to keep it real though, them asians are getting some top quality black women. women that wouldn't bat an eye towards a black man. they usually into anime, video games, don't listen to rap music, etc. shyt is crazy

You typing myths...

You will be hard pressed to find an Asian guy who likes black women, especially if it's a black woman with typical Sub-Saharan African features...

If black men themselves don't find that attractive, how the hell would an Asian...? Considering they are one of the most racist groups towards black people...

The majority of Blasians are typically black men with asian women, and not asian men with black women...

It would have to be an extreme situation for a typical asian men to consider a black woman...


May 2, 2012
You typing myths...

You will be hard pressed to find an Asian guy who likes black women, especially if it's a black woman with typical Sub-Saharan African features...

If black men themselves don't find that attractive, how the hell would an Asian...? Considering they are one of the most racist groups towards black people...

The majority of Blasians are typically black men with asian women, and not asian men with black women...

It would have to be an extreme situation for a typical asian men to consider a black woman...

so basically you think black women are too ugly to get a measly ass asian boyfriend? sorry, bruh, but i do see it. there's a lot of attractive black women that are not checking for YOU, not vice versa. it aint always about what nikkas want, our women got they own agenda too


Not here for you.
Jul 14, 2012
You typing myths...

You will be hard pressed to find an Asian guy who likes black women, especially if it's a black woman with typical Sub-Saharan African features...

If black men themselves don't find that attractive, how the hell would an Asian...? Considering they are one of the most racist groups towards black people...

The majority of Blasians are typically black men with asian women, and not asian men with black women...

It would have to be an extreme situation for a typical asian men to consider a black woman...

:what: :wtf: Negged.

and that goes both ways, black women for the most part aren't attracted to Asian men either. and btw, there are Asian men dating black women with "sub saharan features" fukk outta here bytch nikka.




May 7, 2012
You typing myths...

You will be hard pressed to find an Asian guy who likes black women, especially if it's a black woman with typical Sub-Saharan African features...

If black men themselves don't find that attractive, how the hell would an Asian...? Considering they are one of the most racist groups towards black people...

The majority of Blasians are typically black men with asian women, and not asian men with black women...

It would have to be an extreme situation for a typical asian men to consider a black woman...

awful post all around. first off black men do find black women attractive :what: I don't know what world you live in. second what do typical sub saharan african features look like? If you knew anything about Sub Saraha africa you'd know that it's diverse. You also have no evidence to prove the bolded, I've known plenty of asian men who found bw attractive.

c'mon son

Your message made it seem like an Asian dude has a better chance at getting a top shelf black woman than a black man...

But that's not true...

For the most part, people stick to their own race and ethnicity...yes interracial relationships are more visible, but the vast majority of couples are still same race and/or same ethnicity...

Therefore, a black man still has a better chance at getting a top shelf black woman than an asian dude...

And a top shelf black woman doesn't really have a good chance at getting an asian dude of her liking, because those dudes stick to their own kind or other Caucasians...

a top shelf black women can get anyone she wants, just like a top shelf black man can.
Jul 6, 2012
so basically you think black women are too ugly to get a measly ass asian boyfriend? sorry, bruh, but i do see it. there's a lot of attractive black women that are not checking for YOU, not vice versa. it aint always about what nikkas want, our women got they own agenda too

Your message made it seem like an Asian dude has a better chance at getting a top shelf black woman than a black man...

But that's not true...

For the most part, people stick to their own race and ethnicity...yes interracial relationships are more visible, but the vast majority of couples are still same race and/or same ethnicity...

Therefore, a black man still has a better chance at getting a top shelf black woman than an asian dude...

And a top shelf black woman doesn't really have a good chance at getting an asian dude of her liking, because those dudes stick to their own kind or other Caucasians...


May 2, 2012
And a top shelf black woman doesn't really have a good chance at getting an asian dude of her liking, because those dudes stick to their own kind or other Caucasians...

a truly attractive black women has no problem getting a man of any race :what:

our women aint that fukked over where they're just garbage to men of other races as well.


May 2, 2012
a top shelf black women can get anyone she wants, just like a top shelf black man can.

co-sign, don't know why dude acting like black women are complete lepers. if she's of high quality, she will have dudes of all races fighting for her.

dude acting like these cacs/nonblacks aint already going around cherry picking the finest of black women.
Jul 6, 2012
:what: :wtf: Negged.
and that goes both ways, black women for the most part aren't attracted to Asian men either. and btw, there are Asian men dating black women with "sub saharan features" fukk outta here bytch nikka.


Just because there is a random asian dude with a black woman, it doesnt mean it's a trend or common place...

For example, here in Canada, a lot of my co-workers say stuff like "it's crazy we have all these teenage mothers. Every time I am on the bus, I can't get a sit because of some teen mom with an oversized stroller."

But the reality is that teenage pregnancies have significantly decreased in Canada, in the last 2 decades...

Another example, every time there is a shooting in Toronto, there is media frenzy about gun violence, and people saying "I will never live in Toronto, it's too violent." But the reality is that the incidence of violent crimes have been decreasing in Toronto...

The point is, just because you may personally know 1 or 2 Asian male & Black female couples, it doesn't mean it's common...

That's the main point I am trying to make...