Boston Marathon Explosions...


Apr 30, 2012
Because announcing it as a drill is less threatening to a person than the real thing. It's like having a fire drill in your school....the authorities in the school take it serious as a real one but the people not involved in the organization don't take it seriously.

You announce a fire drill in a school, there's no real fire. The principal doesn't announce it over the PA, then start a bunch of fires in the hallway.

People not involved in the organization took it serious Monday when those bombs went off.

No one went, :ehh: "It's only a drill" when it happened.

There's several possibilities, but in my opinion, it would be done to alleviate anxiety in the face of a heightened presence or a lot of security personnel.

I doubt people felt that alleviated anxiety when two bombs went off and people had limbs blown off.

Seeing a bunch of security does nothing to help the fact that two bombs just went off near me, I have no idea what's happening, I'm running as fast as I can away not knowing if something bigger is coming. Seeing a bunch of cops/Craft guys/other private contractors running to the area doesn't make me calm in that situation.

And I think I posted it in this thread, if not one of the other related threads.

The Boston Marathon is the biggest event in New England. 2nd biggest media event behind the Superbowl in the world. They get about 25k runners and 500k spectators each year. I was actually talking to someone from Boston that flew into Chicago yesterday and he was talking about it, he said they call that day Marathon Monday. Almost everything in the city is shut down and tons of people just head down at some point to watch it. His wife was a couple of blocks away from the bombing and he usually attends but didn't this year. But, the marathon is a big deal, a ridiculous amount of people are there every year.

From an 09 posting Monday

Marathon Monday is often considered, among Bostonians, as the greatest day of each year. Falling on the third Monday of April, the marathon provides a race as a backdrop to the biggest day of drinking and legalized hookie-playing found anywhere in the country.

Over at BC the day takes on even more epic proportions, where all classes are cancelled as the race runs right past campus making it impossible for teachers and commuter students to get there. It's basically just a huge excuse to get wasted…really wasted…like blackout by 11:00 AM wasted. The stringent community and campus official restrictions on drinking are relaxed for the day and an anything goes mentality pervades. In short it’s a total shyt show and every college student’s dream.

So you've got a major city shutting down damn near for one of the biggest sporting events in the world, more than half a million people congregating to a 26.2 mile area and a bunch of people getting shytfaced, you don't need an excuse to have a ton of security present. You don't need to announce the drill to make people accept there being a lot of security.
Jun 24, 2012
You announce a fire drill in a school, there's no real fire. The principal doesn't announce it over the PA, then start a bunch of fires in the hallway.

Your dumbass ask the question and I answered it. You now create a condescending tone towards a small description I made.

People not involved in the organization took it serious Monday when those bombs went off.

No one went, :ehh: "It's only a drill" when it happened.

People stayed in their seats and their positions when the drill was going on so why would they flee somewhere? Their minds were on the race, not the drill.

I doubt people felt that alleviated anxiety when two bombs went off and people had limbs blown off.

Condescending tone again.

Seeing a bunch of security does nothing to help the fact that two bombs just went off near me, I have no idea what's happening, I'm running as fast as I can away not knowing if something bigger is coming. Seeing a bunch of cops/Craft guys/other private contractors running to the area doesn't make me calm in that situation.

Running to the area? They were all over the finish line area. Its not like they had to travel anywhere. Plus they had military, police and security on the roofs. I see your remarks in the section of "Not taken seriously" so I won't put any real effort in responding.

You Win Perfect

bow down
Jan 31, 2013
You're being way, way too generous also far as how much audio/video footage of the bombing in general exists. Most outlets are running the same footage of everything, and the mainstream media is not concerned with investigating these claims 5 days later after we have culprits. Those outlets aren't concerned with investigating these claims, and to be honest, most people aren't questioning the main narrative we're being told concerning these events.

You're also under the assumption "thousands" of people heard this announcement. It's possible that a limited amount of people in the area heard, and it's possible most weren't even paying attention. I see no reason why immediately after these explosions happened that a guy who was on the scene would lie to the local news media.

He said this the same day the bombs went off , but people were already too busy hunting the suspects or watching the same 2:00 minute clip of the explosion with their eyes glared to CNN, MSNBC, or Allah forbid Fox News. People on site were more concerned with survival than anything else.

Based on his demeanor and sincerity it doesn't sound like he's willing to jump to conclusions. There has yet to be an depth interview with this man, but I think there should be.

Who says this guy himself even had the motivation to scream and yet and wave his hands at the press, he was probably asked a question by a reporter and he simply gave his recollection.

Assuming he is lying, what is his motive for making his claim up? Ultimately, we only know what people tell us.

Most people don't question things, you're being way, way too generous yet again. If the government says something, it's regurgitated and believed without question by most of the populace.

Now the government has a motive to lie and hide things, but I don't see what this regular dude has to lie about and hide from us, do you?

That's the kicker. You assume that if the government wanted to deceive us they would have to be very, very careful about it. Funny thing is they don't. Inconcistencies happen in events like this all the time and people either don't care or don't want to think of the possibilities.

They already have people cheering in the streets chanting USA after the DHS, ATF and FBI were entering homes without search warrants.

Scare people into giving up their rights, their independent thought and sense of power and you don't need to invent some contraption to erase their memory of anything. People are already ignorant enough that they take care of that without the government doing a damn thing.

This is why it's hard to have discussions with people. It's like they lack any kind of thinking skills. All the points you made are valid and it's unfortunate that you even had to explain all of that.


May 29, 2012
I'll give you this. I'm surprised more footage hasn't been posted and circled around Youtube.

There's a difference between generosity and common sense. I'm using the latter and looking in a realistic manner. I live in the area and was one of The Coli posters who was on lockdown Friday. I ignored the national media coverage because the local stations were doing a much better job of covering it from the jump. I'm appalled it took them that long to catch the 2nd one (especially with him being so close to where the shootout was).

With that said, a couple things:

1) Entering homes w/o search warrants. There was a domestic terrorist on the loose that potentially had loads of ammunition and a suicide vest. You really think the Government is going to say "we can't go after this armed and dangerous suspect roaming your neighborhood because we don't have an appropriate search warrant"? Waiting for a search warrant for every single house on dozens of streets takes time. How many people in Watertown have gone to the press or social media saying their individual rights were violated? I've yet to read anything locally or see a tweet/facebook posting go viral about anyone in the city of Watertown who had their homes searched complaining about it.

2) Again, if there was an announcement on the loud speaker, don't you think there would be more than one individual coming forward to get their 15 minutes of fame in this conspiracy theory? I don't doubt that he's telling what he thought he heard. Using common sense, if there are a thousand spectators within earshot of the loudspeakers and only one talks about hearing an announcement of a bomb drill being conducted over a loud speaker, doesn't your bullshyt detector go off?

You're making another assumption. Like I said, we don't know how many people were around him. We don't know how loud the announcement was in relation to other spectators. We don't even know WHO exactly made such an announcement either. That's why I want to hear what else has to say. You and I aren't privy to such details because we weren't there.

In regards to point #1 :pachaha: exactly, and that's a fukking problem. The fact people are so trusting is how easy it is to manipulate people. I totally get what you mean about police ignoring probable due to an imminent "threat", but if this a bullshyt event, it's just another pretext that will let the govt. test the waters and see how far they can go.

This event is going to be used to justify more "security" measures. I am sure of it. It's been almost a week now, but give it time and the political rhetoric that's already begun will intensify. We've seen it done before, and it's likely we'll see it again. We know what we've been told, but let's give it time until more information comes out that sheds more light.

They know now they can practically occupy these places without anyone resisting as long as you scare them into it. People cheered for these guys like they all had gotten back from a tour in Afghanistan. It's all part of the plan b. Social conditioning, you heard?


May 29, 2012
You announce a fire drill in a school, there's no real fire. The principal doesn't announce it over the PA, then start a bunch of fires in the hallway.

People not involved in the organization took it serious Monday when those bombs went off.

No one went, :ehh: "It's only a drill" when it happened.

I doubt people felt that alleviated anxiety when two bombs went off and people had limbs blown off.

Seeing a bunch of security does nothing to help the fact that two bombs just went off near me, I have no idea what's happening, I'm running as fast as I can away not knowing if something bigger is coming. Seeing a bunch of cops/Craft guys/other private contractors running to the area doesn't make me calm in that situation.

And I think I posted it in this thread, if not one of the other related threads.

The Boston Marathon is the biggest event in New England. 2nd biggest media event behind the Superbowl in the world. They get about 25k runners and 500k spectators each year. I was actually talking to someone from Boston that flew into Chicago yesterday and he was talking about it, he said they call that day Marathon Monday. Almost everything in the city is shut down and tons of people just head down at some point to watch it. His wife was a couple of blocks away from the bombing and he usually attends but didn't this year. But, the marathon is a big deal, a ridiculous amount of people are there every year.

From an 09 posting

Urban Dictionary: Marathon Monday

So you've got a major city shutting down damn near for one of the biggest sporting events in the world, more than half a million people congregating to a 26.2 mile area and a bunch of people getting shytfaced, you don't need an excuse to have a ton of security present. You don't need to announce the drill to make people accept there being a lot of security.

:what: this allegedly happened BEFORE. BEFORE.

These drills are run for more than one reason, it's more than just the spectators, it's to keep the guards down of other security personnel that may not be involved.

It's like when they were running drills and exercises the morning of 9/11. NORAD and a lot of the air defense personnel had their guard down because there was a hijacked plane security drill being run at around the same exact time.

If someone did this it's likely the CIA or some related entity like a PMC.
May 1, 2012
Little info..:russ: there is little info or no substantial evidence that these brothers even did it.


are you trolling, or are you serious? there's no evidence? the brother was already coming up on russia's radar. they were witnessed throwing bombs outside their car while being pursued by authorities. bystanders in watertown reported bulletholes in their cars and homes, obviously from the shots they were sending at the cops (though, it's arguable the cops were reckless with their bullets, too).

these guys, especially the older brother, were trained terrorists on a jihad. it's doubtful they were acting alone, but it wasn't the government funding them. they were soldiers for islamic radicals. look at the mosque the brother was at.


Jun 4, 2012
So lets say that this is just as simple as.... older bro gets brainwashed by radicals.. lil bro wants to help him blow sh1t up.

What if anything were they hoping to accomplish? They weren't dumbass dudes who thought they would change the foreign policy of the West. They weren't suicide bombers who wanted to die anyway, who were just trying to make it to heaven.

Do we believe this was solely done because of religious motivation or was it due to homegrown political causes, and not because of a brief association with radicals.

who stands to gain from this?

I just hope the guy pull out of his critical condition. This muslim is getting some of the best treatment we have to offer in the US , at this Jewish hospital.:troll:

Barack Obama, the US president, urged people not to rush judgement about their motivations.


Apr 30, 2012
:snoop: I really wish this would've never happened cause I knew exactly what was gonna happen when it was over.


Apr 30, 2012
No it's based off who is complaining about who in a thread to the mod. Why should I be censored when I provide links, sites and sources. I never come into a debate thread without proof. I come correct. I follow the rules of this place even though many people who troll and one-sided don't like it.

I told people to give that shyt a week to breathe before running wild with all sorts of theories and taking attention off the actual tragedy at hand. People who were doing that didn't care one ounce about those deaths, they cared more about fulfilling their preconceived talking points. The two people banned from this thread were (A) a troll account that always blames everything on Jews and (B) a cat who said who hopes that North Korea did it and was happy about it basically. No one censored you, so please miss me with this persecution complex. :comeon:
Jun 24, 2012

I told people to give that shyt a week to breathe before running wild with all sorts of theories and taking attention off the actual tragedy at hand. People who were doing that didn't care one ounce about those deaths, they cared more about fulfilling their preconceived talking points. The two people banned from this thread were (A) a troll account that always blames everything on Jews and (B) a cat who said who hopes that North Korea did it and was happy about it basically. No one censored you, so please miss me with this persecution complex. :comeon:

See but here is where you went your argument

1. B.N. should've just made an announcement creating threads about tragedies with no way to respond like you do with the other ones. But just like the troll one they continue to exist and continue on and on in every thread on HL.

2. Other threads were created about blaming Muslims for the tragedy and they are still there and it's been less than a week. I guess that's fine with you.

3. Who are you to stop someone asking questions and looking for a another alternative source than the mainstream media? You claim they are conspiracy theories but they aren't made up from thin-air, there are no bigfoot and ufo's involved in the bombing so why reach? All my info is coming from sources used by the same media that people are using. Only difference is i look deeper for stuff.

4. There are tragedies happening every B are you going to stop people from posting for one? :cape:
Jun 24, 2012

are you trolling, or are you serious? there's no evidence? the brother was already coming up on russia's radar. they were witnessed throwing bombs outside their car while being pursued by authorities. bystanders in watertown reported bulletholes in their cars and homes, obviously from the shots they were sending at the cops (though, it's arguable the cops were reckless with their bullets, too).

1. Someone being on a radar doesn't automatically mean he/she did it.
2. Witnessed by whom? The Cops? Bystanders seeing a high speed chase seeing gunfire and bombs going off and seen a clear picture of the brothers in the car. :youngsabo: They must've been going really slow.
3. Where is the video of the brothers doing the crimes that they committed. Don't show me the same walking pics msm does to justify their argument.

these guys, especially the older brother, were trained terrorists on a jihad. it's doubtful they were acting alone, but it wasn't the government funding them. they were soldiers for islamic radicals. look at the mosque the brother was at.

1. How do you even know that for a fact? FBI has been tracking the older brother...why would they allow him to be free around the country or even back in the country if they know he trained there?

2. What about the mosque he was at? He had a brief disagreement with the Imam and then that was that....a waste of an article paper.