you're free to say whatever you want. and I'm free to tell you what I think about it
Im free to say what I want...

you're free to say whatever you want. and I'm free to tell you what I think about it
He reports hearing that there were loudspeakers announcing that there was a bomb drill going on at the SAME TIME as the marathon. Drills are basically simulated situations that mimic an actual attack or situation.
He said he heard them announcing this towards the end of the race, by the finish line where the infamous bomb video at the finish line was recorded. He was there earlier than most of the runner because he was a coach.
Im free to say what I want...the Mod says otherwise. It's nice to have an opinion daze but in this discussion I bringing sites and sources to what I say.
that's between you and the mods. but have you or Digga been censored in this thread?
I never come into a debate thread without proof. I come correct.
Time to debunk this loudspeaker thing because this bullshyt is absurd.
If they indeed said "we are conducting a bomb drill" on the loud speakers as people are saying, where's the video and/or audio? It's 2013 and almost everyone has phones that can capture high quality video and sound. There were thousands of people within that vicinity watching the marathon and probably dozens of people (not to mention the dozens of media outlets there to cover the race) who have video in that area.
Don't you think that hundreds of people would be going to the press about hearing the bomb drill notice on the loud speaker?
Are people really thinking the government managed to brainwash thousands of people on Boylston Street and erase the memory of that with their "Men In Black" stick?
Scare people into giving up their rights, their independent thought and sense of power and you don't need to invent some contraption to erase their memory of anything. People are already ignorant enough that they take care of that without the government doing a damn thing.
So why would the bigwigs behind the attack announce that a bombing drill was taking place shortly before the bombs went off?
So why would the bigwigs behind the attack announce that a bombing drill was taking place shortly before the bombs went off?
You're being way, way too generous also far as how much audio/video footage of the bombing in general exists. Most outlets are running the same footage of everything, and the mainstream media is not concerned with investigating these claims 5 days later after we have culprits. Those outlets aren't concerned with investigating these claims, and to be honest, most people aren't questioning the main narrative we're being told concerning these events.
You're also under the assumption "thousands" of people heard this announcement. It's possible that a limited amount of people in the area heard, and it's possible most weren't even paying attention. I see no reason why immediately after these explosions happened that a guy who was on the scene would lie to the local news media.
He said this the same day the bombs went off , but people were already too busy hunting the suspects or watching the same 2:00 minute clip of the explosion with their eyes glared to CNN, MSNBC, or Allah forbid Fox News. People on site were more concerned with survival than anything else.
Based on his demeanor and sincerity it doesn't sound like he's willing to jump to conclusions. There has yet to be an depth interview with this man, but I think there should be.
Who says this guy himself even had the motivation to scream and yet and wave his hands at the press, he was probably asked a question by a reporter and he simply gave his recollection.
Assuming he is lying, what is his motive for making his claim up? Ultimately, we only know what people tell us.
Most people don't question things, you're being way, way too generous yet again. If the government says something, it's regurgitated and believed without question by most of the populace.
Now the government has a motive to lie and hide things, but I don't see what this regular dude has to lie about and hide from us, do you?
That's the kicker. You assume that if the government wanted to deceive us they would have to be very, very careful about it. Funny thing is they don't. Inconcistencies happen in events like this all the time and people either don't care or don't want to think of the possibilities.
They already have people cheering in the streets chanting USA after the DHS, ATF and FBI were entering homes without search warrants.
Scare people into giving up their rights, their independent thought and sense of power and you don't need to invent some contraption to erase their memory of anything. People are already ignorant enough that they take care of that without the government doing a damn thing.