Got any good cyberpunk novels to recommend. And is those Malazan books really that good?
Im almost done re reading the Sprawl Trilogy(Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive) right now and it's better than I remember

it's actually credited with birthing the cyberpunk genre so start there if you havent
3body problem like i told the other breh, starts off the first chapter way before the actual plot starts so that throws people off but it gets WILD and might legit fukk with your head
Obviously hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is a classic series

i will never stop campaigning for Malazan, shyt has everything you could ask for in a fantasy book.....the fukking convergences breh

every time the big dogs all showed up at one spot it was insanely epic, had me doing the

out loud like i was at the movies
King Killer Chronicles is up there too

author just needs to drop the 3rd book
DANGER ZONE: Do not attempt to read these books unless your are willing to literally change the way your brain takes in information while you read them

dead serious, they're hard to follow if you only read linear stuff
Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow