I mean most ont recognize his greatness...have u moved on to kant?

These two go hand in hand
Yep, Hume is pretty legit.

And I did read some Kant! I read his "Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals". Which is much more confusing than my translation of Hume's
Enquiry but like Hume he's also an empiricist so they've got that in common even if Kant challenges/corrects Hume quite a bit β and rightfully so in some cases.
I've never touched a "Critique of Pure Reason" but I'm more interested in touching this "Phenomenology of Spirit" book I got written by Hegel and translated by Miller. I heard it's heavy but a great derivative of Kantian philosophy. So I'm somewhat excited to check it out.
I recommend you read the Critique by Kant tho', it's his Magnum Opus on C.I. (Categorical Imperative), practical reason and the concept of duty.