breh why are you going

on Sanderson.
Haha. PTSD from r/fantasy on Reddit. He's the BIGGEST SF/Fantasy writer outside of GRRM and Tolkien, so his fans spam his stuff ALOT. And the people that Brando, also like Scott Lynch's "Gentleman b*stards" and "Riyria Chronicles" by MJ Sullivan. (Some other well loved, but I hated, series) I could go on a rant about what r/fantasy likes that I hate, but this is not the time nor place.
I understand his appeal - that said, I don't like
- YA (most of his stuff isn't YA, but the 1st book in Mistborn might as well be)
- "Family Friendly"
- his version of "hard magic" (the ingesting of metal giving someone powers...*groan*)
- his cartoon-esque fight scenes.
His Mormon-osity is so powerful that I knew he had something else going on with him before I found out that he was LDS.
Recently watched this
And she (ex Mormon) goes into him and others, and also what's there that shouldn't be, and what's lacking.
But Mormon culture is so "wholesome" and their whole religion is straight up "lore".
Hearing her break down all the other popular sci fi authors that are also Mormon = LIGHT BULB for me.
That said, I recognize how much his style can really appeal to folks like him. I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been a movie of his yet...