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What's it about?
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What's it about?
couple of moorish books
Ohh I like reading stuff like that. Enjoy.It basically links the stories in modern religion back to mythologies and fables going back thousands of years and spanning several cultures from around the world and also it discusses how Egyptian and Ethiopian civilization were advanced civilizations by the time it was said the Earth was first formed by God. Its lots of shyt, I might be better off answering your question when I'm finished.
They use to have it at the local library for free.
I read the Borgias and their enemies book, it's funny because Pope Alexander VI who was rodrigo borgia also had his hand in the dividing of the many nations out west and south of spain. They destroyed the indigenous aboriginals land, robbed them of their resources and belief system and fed them with Christianity. It's funny because Cesar Borgia picture is what we today know as the picture of Jesus Christ. Borgias family were really sick.
A lot reading...
I'd find a black bookstore or an ebook before dropping that bread. I felt the same way as you when I seen them prices. Worse part is they weren't that much a few years ago. Van Sertima and Nkrumah books got hella expensive outta nowhere.....wonder why...