Boko Haram leader: "I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah,"


Jun 4, 2012
Brother, can you recommend some books?
black arabia and the african orgin of islam by dr wesly muhammad is a good one to start with because it's not that long, is an easy read... plus you can take each point and do your own research. I don't agree with everything he says in it - but other people have written books about each of those points, so its a good platform to explore other books from.
Jan 26, 2014
black arabia and the african orgin of islam by dr wesly muhammad is a good one to start with because it's not that long, is an easy read... plus you can take each point and do your own research. I don't agree with everything he says in it - but other people have written books about each of those points, so its a good platform to explore other books from.
yeah, that title sounds objective, i'll check it out tho.


Jun 4, 2012
The more this goes on the sicker I feel. Black feminists had to have a full fledged twitter campaign spamming news channels for an entire week and change just for us to begin to get this story the publicity and airtime it deserves. And even on this site it only seems the story is gaining interest as an outlet for people to bash Islam/religion in general. The girls themselves are an afterthought. Black women/girls are not protected anywhere and no one cares. I just want these girls to get home safe.

lol, it's been an international news story since it happened, get over yourself.

First off, it hasn't gotten the press it should have gotten...........and it's not even a 'water cooler' convo in America or Europe.


In a speech on national television Sunday, almost three weeks after the girls were taken, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan vowed to rescue the missing schoolgirls and bring them home to their families.


There’s nothing the media loves more than a good hunt. So for the past few months, news coverage has been dominated by the hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, the hunt for survivors on the South Korean ferry accident, even the hunt for the U.S.’s 2016 presidential candidates. But when Boko Haram terrorists kidnapped more than 276 Nigerian girls from their school on the night of April 14, Wolf Blitzer and his fancy graphics were nowhere to be found.

It’s atrocious that the Nigerian government has made almost no publicized effort to find the girls. Mausi Segun, a researcher for Human Rights Watch in Nigeria, says that people who live near the group’s suspected camps haven’t seen any security forces searching for the students, nobody from the government has reached out to the families, and the government even lied and said that most of the girls had been returned.

But the media enabled the government to sweep the whole thing under the rug by ignoring the story for weeks. The kidnapping was mentioned for the first time on American nightly news on May 1, more than two weeks after the girls were taken, according to Andrew Tyndall, who runs the Tyndall Report analyzing TV news. NBC Nightly News ran the first story Thursday night, CBS ran a piece Friday morning, and ABC has been mum. The story never made the front page of the national edition of the New York Times. CNN has had a bit more coverage, but nothing approaching the coverage of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane carrying 370 passengers or the South Korean ferry accident that left over 300 people dead or missing. We only started paying close attention after salacious rumors surfaced that the girls were likely sold as child brides for as little as $12. That’s too little, too late.

By contrast, when the Malaysia Airlines jet disappeared March 8, the story was the lead story on all NBC, ABC and CBS news shows for 11 weekdays straight.


Jun 4, 2012
Black Nigerian men need to take up arms and save these young girls. This is their responsibility. Fukk waiting for someone else to do it. If they don't protect their young women, who will? Can't look to America or France or even the government to do it. This is bigger than that. If 250 young American black girls were kidnapped by the KKK would we just stand by and wait if the government wasn't doing anything? Or would American black men fight and die to defend their honor?
This is a good question.... me and my brothers talk about shyt like this all the time. I feel that black american men would stand up. my bros and close friends feel that we'd all die because black american men dont stand for shyt.

i have hope though. And fyi, they are already kidnapping our women - minds.


Jun 4, 2012
And even on this site it only seems the story is gaining interest as an outlet for people to bash Islam/religion in general. The girls themselves are an afterthought. Black women/girls are not protected anywhere and no one cares..
well cac and c00ns really could care less about black women...... It's been like this ever since whites pushed Muslims out of Europe.... any and all propaganda has been the make Muslims look bad, especially black Muslims, and the women are usually the victims.


Jun 4, 2012
yeah, that title sounds objective, i'll check it out tho.
shyt's not objective at all, lol...... but i have over 400 titles of books and I noticed that objective books are wack as fukk and difficult to get through... so it's better to read one like this then read a CAC pov.. then research.

Im Kemet Rocky & I like penis

googling gay porn :ahh:
Oct 28, 2013
Well, to make a long story long......................

Some of the largest kingdoms have had contact with arabs and others long before the creation and spread of islam... they traded ideas and influenced one another. In some areas they remained AFrican tradional and some where Chrisianzed and forced to be Christian.

Ethinically some of these africans were similar to the Afro Arabs of the mideast... They share ideas and are a part of Islam history - basically accepted Islam but still practice their traditional belief to this day. In present day - most of the African world wide who still hold on to some traditional beliefs are Muslim.

The Christian kingdoms were pressured into either Getting down or Laying down. They chose to lay down and the Afroarabs and other africans destroyed their armies and those became part of some of the largest African Kingdoms in history.

There are people from tribes that originally accepted islam so those people wouldn't really be considered c00ns because Islam within their culture goes back as far as their recorded history.......... Its their identity whether your like it or not. NTM, us as African Americans and Africans should be grateful for the lingustic and cultural exchanges because without that and records written in Arabic we may not know as much about Ancient African history - THERE are kingdoms, tribes, practices, wars, and all sorts of shyt that we Only know about because arab and afroarab scholars wrote that shyt down when nobody else did......... those records are what cause CAC and other to even discover some of this shyt.
Many African Americans accepted Islam because of the NOI and other groups. We were forced to become Christian, so Islam seems like a way to fight the single most important thing that destroyed us - and continues to destroy us today --- all the random chains cac placed on our minds. There were people like Malcom X that made Islam attractive to black young men because some of the most 'boutit' amongst us were the black Muslims. During the time when most of black America accepted positions of inferiority....... black muslims were spreading the message that those that run the US are demons and black people are the original and superior man. The black people watched Roots and other films and noticed that the slaves that fought and were resistant sometimes where Muslims. So not black Americans are increasingly choosing Islam over other things....... And not because they are brainwashed -- most of the converts are educated and didn't grow up Muslim. Then there are the prison inmates. There is the origins of hip hop the 5% and American slang and pop culture that lead up to basically us even communicating on this forum right now. Young black people like you diss Islam then turn around in the same paragraph and use slang or part of the culture that would not exist if it were not for the 5%, noi, sunni Islam and all of that.

Then There are the Afrocentrics. I guess you can say that I am one cuz I used to donate, visit africa, have orgins, Still go see when someone on the lecture circuit speaks -- But I'm not on that AFrocentric shyt because of stuff like this.

Afrocentrics think just like Europeans about Islam and black Muslims.... especially african muslims. They don't even know they get 100% of their talking points from CAC (see HL and TRL, lol) They actually don't investing in knowing of black arabia and the non CAC version of arabic culture.
I Understand why-its because of the way White Arabs have treated Africans. Afrocentrics have Now ^^^ went even pass CAC historian with their misguided views of islam and black people.
The roots of islam are different from anything white arabs were producing and close to what northern africans had about prayer, death, marriage, wifes, morals, laws, the creator, Creation, food, ancestors, parents, family, giving, etc.
NTM, the important things to Islam like call to pray and the key figures. Black African were already taking over and consolodating the time white arabs and CAC did not have the ability to take on any African nation........ the spread of the religion was through powerful African armies--- so it's kinda weird to ask someone who comes from those kingdoms and traces back to those times to completely diss the religion that his people (who were all black ) were the main ones spreading.
And black historians say that cac and white arabs controlled the slave trade and a few admit that some africans helped. The do not want to admit that it was the Christan Africans (AKA the only ones that completely got rid of African spirituality ) that were the main sellers of slaves who were african. I do not know if this is suspicious or not but some of the Christian lands were the only ones that CAC didn't completely rape and destroy in Africa... some even grew in territory like Ethiopia. All Muslim areas were fukked up by Europeans nikka - look it up. Which is funny considering that some of the kingdoms that Afrocentrist speak about and are soooo proud of were African Muslim Kingdoms that controlled much of the world up to Europe and spread knowledge and technology.... but then in the same speech- they diss black Muslims like some smart dumb nikkas.

Who kept african traditions? In modern times the West and CAC (with the help of people like you) - have attacked nubian groups, ghana , sudan, Somalia and others with manipulation and warfare---- They want to destroy any people who are black and not Christian puppets. I've seen with my own ideas(dont agree with it though) that some Muslims even still hold on to some of the animal traditions. Anyway, were complain all day about the white washing of history -- but are cool with our non-slave black people in ancient Arabia being virtually wiped from History by white arabs (who want to take credit) and CAC and American Afrocentrist.

Famous Islamic scholar Al-Jihaz (778-868) wrote of the physical superiority of the Africans nations over all other nations. For example, he states: "We Blacks have conquered the country of the Arabs as far as Mecca and governed them. The desert swarm with the number of our men who married your women and who became chiefs and defended you against your enemies. You even have sayings in your language which vaunt the deeds of our kings - deeds which you often placed above your own; this you would not have done had you not considered them superior to your own. We defeated Dhu Nowas (Jewish ruler of Yemen) and killed all the Himyarite princes, but the Arabs and Whites (from Europe) have never conquered our country. Our people, the Zinges (an African race), revolted forty times in the Euphrates, driving the inhabitants from their homes...Blacks are physically stronger. A single one of them can lift stones of great weight and carry burdens such as several whites could not lift nor carry between them. They are brave, strong...- these good traits are the gifts of God."
i would love to see some ancient migrations and haplogroups of the "original" arabs..

and the simple fact is that the Africans who accepted Islam willingly (which Ive never heard of) have sided with Arabian culture and are enslaving their own people..

so this whole idolization of sand cac's and their culture is pointless and c00ning to a degree..


Top Notch
Jun 29, 2012
Brooklyn #byrdgang
Funny how there is clamor to jump into the Ukraine Russia situation. Started a war in a country that has no Al Qaeda connection.

But an al Qaeda affiliate in Nigeria kidnapping and enslaving young girls because they are learning. :mjpls: ... where are our priorities. I'm just sayin If we want to be the policemen of the world. :manny:

nearly 300 girls :wow:
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Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012