ok. i haven't looked at that close enough. i do know that wage inflation has taken off which in one of the major components of feedback inflation.
It's 1tn
notional but that doesn't mean that 1tn currency (real money) was invested in crypto. and it is global not just the USA.
this says 66% is american but no idea if true -
Global Cryptocurrency Ownership Data 2021 - TripleA .
it costs ~100m to move BTC by 1% I think I read on here.
"U.S. banking giant Bank of America (BofA) claims only $93 million in capital is needed to influence Bitcoin’s price by one percent. "
" The researchers compared Bitcoin to gold and 20-year-plus treasury bonds, saying both of these markets would require $2 billion and $2.25 billion, respectively, to move a similar percentage point. "
Leader in cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, blockchain, DeFi, digital finance and Web 3.0 news with analysis, video and live price updates.
true but there aren't that many avenues or companies doing this. does a sizeable OTC derivatives market even exist in crypto?
These are already included in the totals and we are assuming a massive collapse across the board irrespective of ponzi or not. i.e. something like Tether failing.
~100m moving the market by 1% means the actual inputs are not that large. even if we are working from the ATH.