Domingo Halliburton
Handmade in USA
I can't see jcp not hitting 15.00 again at some point soon. I'm thinking of going in on rad myself. Rite aid> wal greens from a consumer standpoint IMO
Unless your in nyc because walgreens bought duane reade and mirrored the set up. It seems like that is only in the city though, because when I visit other states, walgreens feels like a pawn shop compared to rite aids layouts.
I bought RAD at around $2 they have a ton of debt too though. it's why the company was trading at like 99 cents for the better part of the last 5 years, that and an accounting scandal they had like 10 years ago. The management has run them into the ground. I grew up around their headquarters and my friend from back home who works for them says they waste money like it's nothing. I'm thinking about dumping the stock. It's trading at like 3.50 now and it's the highest it's been in years. If I didn't have the hometown connection I probably would of never bought it. Walgreen's thought about buying them for $4 a share a year ago so that's probably a fair value. They have too much debt. They have a lot of good real estate and property though.