Domingo Halliburton
Handmade in USA
Shanghai down 6% overnight.....

retail sucks by the way but TJX may have the best management out of everyone and somehow online shopping has not affected them one bit.
Fed's Kocherlakota: Raising rates in 2015 would be a mistake;
why is dikk Fuld on CNBC? and better question who pays him to speak at a conference?
Possible lotto penny play at .0001 if anybody wants in. I've been watching it for over a year, there's a huge volume spike the last two days, so something is probably happening behind the curtain. I'm hoping for a takeover or at least a pump, volume doesn't lie
You can get 1,000,000 shares for $100 lol. Why not right. I've spent more on lapdances. If the coli jumps in we'll be adding to the volume/ momentum
Stock ticker is TCHH
No Dice for me there is a chill on this stock with TDAM