Rightfully so. There's a very real chance GM overtakes TSLA as the EV leader by 2025/26.
First doesn't mean forever. It can easily be a Netflix/Disney situation before long
Or AOL situation.
Rightfully so. There's a very real chance GM overtakes TSLA as the EV leader by 2025/26.
First doesn't mean forever. It can easily be a Netflix/Disney situation before long
Are weekly puts risky?
I’m about study how to do options this weekend.
can i have your stocks?I forgot I had a Fidelity trading account…
Are weekly puts risky?
I’m about study how to do options this weekend.
I don’t think the “crash” has even started yet.If you're saying the market still has further to fall that's guaranteed money betting against it. I have companies like Facebook, Disney, Google, and others I plan to hold for years to decades and I can lower my cost basis on them right now. I'm doing that and if they fall further then I lower it more.
I'd rather be the guy that lowered my cost basis into a recovery than the guy that sat on the sideline for the entire crash then had to watch the market explode in value on a recovery knowing I could have got great values and didn't because I was afraid of short term losses.
Every crash there's someone that sits it out due to fear. Eats them alive when they miss out on the action and then have to watch the recovery knowing they did nothing just to play it safe.
those big name companies should survive fine during a crash, pray for everybody elseI don’t think the “crash” has even started yet.
You want me to drink don’t youI don’t think the “crash” has even started yet.
Did u max out her credit cards?My mom is worried about me